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Comments 16

rorylie May 16 2011, 13:42:28 UTC

God I love your writing so fucking much


waltzmatildah May 17 2011, 00:34:37 UTC
THANK YOU!!! (And I've got a sudden hankering to expand on your newest one... BUT NOT BEFORE I'VE FINISHED YOUR FIC I PROMISE!)


rorylie May 17 2011, 00:36:01 UTC


waltzmatildah May 17 2011, 00:45:45 UTC

(I thought you might!)


x5vale May 16 2011, 14:04:05 UTC
I just love everything you write hon!


waltzmatildah May 17 2011, 00:35:16 UTC
Thank you! I have so many post finale fics in my head that I almost have no idea where to freaking start!!


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waltzmatildah May 17 2011, 00:38:49 UTC
I KNOW! Those three-ish lines are all I've managed so far (they were for badboy_fangirl, but the idea really does intrigue me! I'd never written RPF until that drabble and (so far) I haven't done it since... I would definitely like to write them again. My major problem is that I typically write dark/depressing/angsty stuff and.... it feels kinda AWFUL doing that with real people! Haha!! So I have to be very careful with them!!

OMG ME TOOOOOOOOO!!! My very first fic was after the Alex/Addie hook up and then the "You're not my girlfriend" conversation that followed! It's an AWFUL fic looking back now, but it was my first and it opened up a whole world to me! LOVE THEM! I've written them plenty of times now...!


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waltzmatildah May 17 2011, 01:48:52 UTC
Oooh! I've never heard of that blooper. Do you have a link to it? It is on youtube that you know of?

And I know. Angsty Ian/Nina is WRONG which is why I struggle with it!

But yes! Totally first time fic ship twins! (which IS very difficult to say!)


alittlembrace_x May 16 2011, 17:19:12 UTC
Love them. ALL of them! Especially the GA ones... I'm feeling nostalgic too.


waltzmatildah May 17 2011, 00:39:49 UTC
THANK YOU! I SO WANNA BE INSPIRED TO WRITE GA FIC AGAIN. It's tough I tell you, very tough! (Though I do have three significant WIPs for that fandom that I am determined to get through...)


citron_presse May 16 2011, 20:26:44 UTC
Ach, Elijah! I can absolutely see him having these thoughts. My immediate feeling was that he had been blinded by the blame and that was so sad, when he seemed to have thought everything through so well.

(And, yes, nostalgia! Mine involves recent heightened flailing over Mark/Addison - which is so ridiculous over a dead ship! - but anything S3 will do, even to the extent of he who broke them up!!! Anyway, I think I once mentioned before that Alex/Addison were my first Grey's ship, so . . .)


waltzmatildah May 17 2011, 00:43:45 UTC
I am convinced that we have not seen the last of Elijah. I'm half hoping that Stefan brings him back and the two of them work from the 'inside' to bring Klaus down!

(Even though the other half of me just wants to see episode after episode of Damon working to save his brother because those two? OH DEAR!)

And yes, I think I did know about your initial Alex/Addie ~feelings. To be expected really, to be expected! Haha!! As for dead ships, ALL MY SHIPS ARE DEAD! Every single one of them. So I hear you! (Actually, yours probably are too right? Oh, show. WHY??!! We haven't even had any decent Mark+/Alex lately.)


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