fic: three lines to tell you...

May 16, 2011 22:39

The results of two separate three line fic prompt dumps... Just to prove to myself that I do actually finish some things...!!


Elijah | A Rush Of Blood

He blames Klaus. For everything until now, he blames Klaus.

But as the tip of the dagger plunges through his outer clothing, threads an intricate path through his own internal organs, settles solid, splitting him in two, he knows this time he can blame only himself.

Damon/Elena | Of Blood And Crushed Veneer

When he wakes again she is gone. The ghost of her lips on his the only truth he clings to. White knuckle tight.

But that truth, like everything else, slides sloppily between fingertips that he can't quite hold together enough at the seams. Lost and losing.


Damon/Elena | Broken Bones

The pain is fork lightening through his ribcage. He doesn't scream but only because the hollowed out motion would be futile.

He trips, the edges of the town glow momentarily, misty pink, fading, as her frantic silhouette fills his peripheral vision to full. To overflowing. Knows he should leave before it's too late for her. Can't. "Elena." Only just manages not to fall to his knees...

Damon(/Katherine) | We Were Almost Beautiful

It's not 'til much later that he remembers. The deliberate tap of her fingers, a familiar drumming against his cheek. The words she'd dropped casually into the thick space that had separated the three of them.

"It's okay to love them both. I did."

She doesn't say good-bye. He has come to expect little else.

Damon/Elena | In Spite Of You

His elbows drag across sodden ground. Agony rips and tears at his failing seams as he vomits ropey strands of his own blood onto the dewy grass beneath him. He can see her. Just out of reach. Pushes his fingertips in her direction desperately and comes up barely inches short.

He wakes violently then. Jerks to suddenly upright and standing before he catches her silhouette. Curled as she is beneath a blanket at the foot of his bed.

Asleep, but still here. He can ask for little else.

Katherine/Elena | Right Through You

When she wakes he is gone. Klaus' blood all he could ever need and then some.

She finds Katherine in the grand room. Shoves her down onto the couch with a strength she shouldn't possess. The laugh that echoes back is blood numbing.

"We may love them both," she chimes, "But they will always choose each other first."

Twists until their positions are reversed and tilts her head inches to the left. Runs iced fingertips down her cheek with a degree of seduction that is chilling.


Damon/Rose | Dream

His fingers curl into the hair at the nape of her neck. Sweat sticky and stuttering as she arches against him. Fire and ice and the beat of a marching band in his ribcage.

He counts to ten because three is too soon. Too soon. Too soon. Too far away...

Wakes to darkness. Emptied and emptying as the images fade, become nothing more than ghosted whispers that will live for eternity under his skin.

Stefan/Caroline | Like China

They blame the aftermath. That it is bloodless and unexpectedly, shockingly, calm seems beside the point in the end.

No one dies. No one is horrifically maimed. It all peters out meekly, an anticlimax of sorts. At least, until Elena leaves with Damon, and Tyler just leaves full stop and when the myriad ghosts that fill the Salvatore house fall to silent for long enough, the realisation that it is only them is oddly comforting.

Ian/Nina | At The Airport

His fist curls around his boarding pass of its own accord. An unconscious attempt to render the scrap of paper useless.

“We could drive you know, see the sights along the way?” Drags his gaze from the staccato bounce of his knee and offers her a grin that only slips twice.

She slides her fingers through his, delivers a squeeze of reassurance even as her eyes betray her amused exasperation, “Or we could fly and be there in ninety minutes. It'll be fine, I swear.”


Alex/Lexie | Swan Song

Navy blue scrubs knot their legs together at the ankles as her tongue runs a constant circuit; teeth, lips, neck. Teeth again. Familiar.

His red-eye to Chicago is booked for three hours time.

And this, the remnants of a farewell party he didn't want and is more than convinced he doesn't deserve. A swan song of sorts...

Alex/Izzie | Of Human Action

Betrayal. Guilt. Lust. Fury. Tempest. Fear. Desperation. Loneliness. Desire.


She smirks as his fingers crawl inside her. Throws her head back, eyes open, wide and unblinking. Curls around him like it's instinct. Knows without doubt that the rest of it was never enough, but maybe, just maybe, this will be.

Jackson/Lexie | Fishing

She buys him a beer because he bought her candy and listened to her lose her shit and she figures it's only fair.

“Mark bribed me with surgery you know,” he admits as she slides the sloppy offering along the bar towards him.

“I know,” she counters, unconvincing smirk plastered in place, “Which is why I'm probably going to sleep with you tonight. Hope you don't mind...”

Alex/Meredith (& Derek) | And I Forget

She slaps him. Leaves her fingerprints painted on the rough skin of his left cheek. He doesn't even flinch and she wonders, fleetingly, if perhaps violent punishment wasn't his goal from the very start.

Derek slams the front door to closed and disappears into the inky night at the same time she is shoved, hard, against the arm of the couch. Retaliation in the only way he knows how...

She keeps her eyes open defiantly. Dares him to look at her. Dares him to look away...

Izzie | Every Stupid Season

She's in Austin for forty eight days before it rains. And even then it's not the same. The apartment she now calls her own rattles violently as sheets of storm water pound against the loose shutters.

The temperature doesn't drop below too hot and too sticky and the sheet that is tangled around her toes is suffocating all of a sudden.

She dreams of tumultuous grey. Of heavy cloud that sits just above her shoulder blades, weighing her down. Of laughter that skitters lazily across side-walk ice. Relishes in the familarity of it all with a degree of relief that is almost overwhelming.

Alex/Lexie | When I'm With You

Lexie takes him home. Collects his keys from where Joe has confiscated them and shovels him carefully into the backseat of his own vehicle. Creeps through the back streets with one hand on the wheel and her eyes glued to the rear-view mirror.

He is broken. Again. Of that she is certain. But she's stronger than she once was and this time? This time she will be more than enough for him. More then enough for the both of them.

Alex/Addison | Elevator

She notes that he hesitates. It's blink and you'll miss it, but it's there. Pieces hastily slot together as she slides, last minute, through the closing doors behind him. Startles him into backing up an extra step or several.

“Sorry.” Raises her hand, palms out, a surrender of sorts.

He shrugs, default dismissive, locks his eyes on the steadily falling numbers as she tries, fails, to imagine the horror once housed here.

Alex/Lexie | Reunion

His hair is lighter than she remembers. She'd call it greying but that would mean admitting time has come between them. Too much time.

Her dress, hastily discarded, puddles at their feet and his fingers dance lightly across her collar bone as they fall into a familar routine.

Older now, but not necessarily any wiser.

Alex | Breathing

(set mid season six)

Eyes closed, he counts to seventeen. Rocks back and forth on his heels 'til he's half way to convinced he's going to land face first at his own feet. Clamps a hand against the wall instead. Fists the scrawled good-bye between fingers suddenly, inexplicably, numb and stops breathing for a beat.

Almost forgets to start again.

Alex/Lexie | Again And Again

They're not together but they're not really apart either, and what happens next could have been predicted before the first shot of tequila landed on the liquor tacky bar runner.

She called it recycling once. An apt metaphor.

His head tilts, to the side and down a little. Practiced. She fits perfectly. Teeth and tongue and fingers fisted into clothing that won't quite make it to all the way off...

Alex/Lucy | Rewrite

Her bottom lip is three quarters to caught between his teeth when she finally shuts up. Moans a breathless "Jesus, fuck" against his tongue as her scrub pants meet the floor at her feet.

She fights desperately to assert some degree of authority but his knee presses up between her thighs then. Hard.

And she thinks she forgets her own name for a little while after that.

Alex/Teddy | Turned On

It's wrong. Wrong on so many levels it's not even funny.

But his fingers are delicately working at the failing heart of a seven year old and all she can think about is how skilled they'd be working at her.

She thinks she blames Seattle Grace for this. Her newly developed weakness for depravity. But she thinks she blames him a little bit for it, too...

Mark/Teddy | Spin Until It's All A Blur

She's married but not to him. And he's about to have a baby but not with her.

In the end none of it matters as skin slides, salty slick, and tongues get caught between teeth that are just the right side of too eager.

They laugh in the aftermath, a hollow sound that fools no one as the space they've just filled with sex and self loathing slowly starts to empty out once more...


Puck/Quinn | Tea

He sings. One last impromptu solo. Guitar his ever present safety harness as high school comes to a sliding full stop.

“Lean on my shoulder now, this story is done...”

Picks her out of the swaying background and dares himself to look away. To direct the lyrics elsewhere, to anyone that is not her. Is far from surprised when he fails, even now...

(Tea And Theatre, The Who)

Obligatory gif because I'm feeling all nostalgic like...

character: tvd: rose, character: glee: quinn, character: tvd: elena, character: glee: noah, character: ga: addison, character: ga: alex, character: tvd: stefan, character: ga: izzie, fic: prompt me, character: ga: derek, character: tvd: damon, television: glee, character: ga: lexie, character: tvd: katherine, character: ga: mark, television: the vampire diaries, character: ga: jackson, character: ga: meredith, character: ga: teddy, character: tvd: caroline, television: grey's anatomy

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