grey's: "I wanna see the bitch-baby tears..."

May 26, 2010 21:40

So, apparently I'm still obsessing processing.

Sympathy for the Parents aired here last night... here (for my new flisties!) is Australia, by the way.

Knowing what I know now about the shenanigans of the season finale, it became so much more of an "OH!" experience re-watching this ep. Here's why...

First... the obvious stuff:
- The Clark's first appearance, duh... and Mr. Clark's thinly veiled threats.
- Derek telling Meredith that he doesn't want her to be alone if anything happens to him. Has there been a bigger anvil?!
- Teddy/Owen/Cristina and that's all I'm gonna say because even that is giving it too much time and consideration! (Actually, you know what... I will mention it. Only because it makes Owen look like the ass that he is) Owen shouting at Cris in surgery that she is a subordinate and she can only do what they tell her to (which yeah, ask Derek what he thinks about Cris's surgical abilities why don'cha?)

Second... the kinda obvious stuff:
- Derek and Meredith having the most serious 'baby talk' they've ever had (that I can recall anyway).
- Callie and Arizona agree to talk about their own baby situation at the end (as opposed to moisturiser!).
- Derek watching Richard's surgery from the gallery because he's never got time to operate himself anymore (which is a theme revisited in the finale).

Third... the least obvious stuff (at least, to me at the time):
- April's infatuation with Derek is exposed (an infatuation which, ultimately, leads to him getting shot. I really think Mr. Clark had just about decided to put the gun down before she ran out...)
- Alex tells Aaron that he "can't do this [this being surgery] and be in that [that being at home]" and in the end, it was being this [a surgeon] that ultimately almost cost him his life.
- Bailey remarking that despite all the absolute crap Alex had survived during childhood and adolescence, he's still managed to make it as a doctor, but it's being a doctor that ends up becoming his biggest survival challenge and not what he went through as a child.

Did anybody notice anything that I missed? Does anybody even care??!!!

I'm going to be eagerly awaiting the Australian premiere of the episode where the hospital is being sued and Derek has to give evidence, to see if any of the parallels are carried over all three/four episodes.

television: grey's anatomy, real life: what the?

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