Fic: My laughter, you won't hear... (Reed, with mentions of Alex)

May 24, 2010 23:04

Title: My laughter, you won't hear...
Character: Reed (mentions of Alex)
Word Count: 550
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season Six finale.
Summary: She's thinking about bad boys and how he's not really one of them when it happens...
Author's Note: Lyrics from “Shackled” by Vertical Horizon.

The faster I disappear... )

character: ga: reed, fic: one shot, television: grey's anatomy, character: ga: alex

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Comments 25

rorylie May 24 2010, 22:29:39 UTC
Wow. That's really powerful and very well done.


waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 00:15:42 UTC
Thank you!

Poor Reed. I actually kinda liked her. What a way to go, hey? At least she'll have people talking about her for years to come!


rorylie May 25 2010, 00:17:57 UTC
I liked her too, but then, she was Amy Abbot's other best friend, which really only matters if you're as in love with Everwood as I am.

Her death was just so, so brutal.


waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 00:33:27 UTC
Oh, Everwood. I don't think it ever aired here in Australia on free to air (or at least not in the 'booming metropolis' - snerk - where I live).

BUT: I did read a shit load of fic about it because someone recommended it to me. (If you can point me in the direction of more... please do!) Who did she play on EW? I can remember AA. She was Ephram's on again off again girlfriend, right?


javiera May 25 2010, 01:24:58 UTC
Why is it that Reed will probably get more fics about her now that she's dead than before when she didn't have a hole between her eyes? I'm glad, though. I liked her, somehow. Maybe I just liked that she liked Alex, but either way, her death will be really memorable, I hope. At least for me, specially after this fic with those thoughts going through her head just before a bullet does the same :P

(And I liked her in Everwood too!)


waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 02:01:03 UTC
In my defence, I actually wrote two fics about her way before the season finale came and went. One is a friendship fic with Alex and one a hook-up fic with Alex, so I don't really consider myself jumping on the Reed is now somehow important bandwagon. I always liked her. And I liked that she liked Alex. And I'll NEVER forget the look on her face when she walked into the NICU and saw him, bare-chested and holding the baby. Never!!!

RIP Reed :(


javiera May 25 2010, 02:46:01 UTC
Oh, I wasn't saying you were! I've read your two fics (I liked them but I was lazy and didn't leave a comment, sorry!), I was just musing over the fact that there were like, three fics of her before? and now she's somehow easier to write because her death was so memorable!

I liked her dynamic with Alex, mostly because it was sarcastic and playful and before other people got involve telling them how to behave it was simple and, for Alex, a good distraction. They could have become friends, I think. Alex is kind of awesome with the women he doesn't sleep with ^^;;


waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 04:35:59 UTC
I liked her dynamic with Alex, mostly because it was sarcastic and playful and before other people got involve telling them how to behave it was simple and, for Alex, a good distraction. They could have become friends, I think. THIS! Exactly. And, if you remember, that's kinda what my first fic with the two of them in it was about. At that stage, I didn't realise we were meant to assume she and April were BFF's so I was giving the two of them a friend each. They looked like they could do with one! But people started judging them and telling them why they shouldn't be doing what they were doing and it all just fizzled out again...

Alex is kind of awesome with the women he doesn't sleep with ^^;; Which is kinda why I don't want him and Mer to ever get together, even though I kinda do too!!!


abvj May 25 2010, 04:03:48 UTC
This was really beautiful. She definitely wasn't my favorite, but I think that is because I didn't really know her. This was a nice insight and I enjoyed it a lot.


waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 04:44:47 UTC
Nah, I recognise that she wasn't many people's 'favourite' (I'm pretty sure only miss_blanche and myself wrote about her in fic before the finale, so that kinda speaks for itself! Thanks for reading though...

Also, quick question for clarifications sake: do you get the ending? The fact that it just cuts off because she's now dead? I'm wondering if it's just coming aross as bad writing as opposed to a deliberate ploy and the longer it's posted the more I'm second guessing myself! (Thanks!)


abvj May 25 2010, 13:39:38 UTC
No, I get it. And it definitely does not come off as bad writing, so don't worry. Don't second guess yourself -- it's very well done.


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waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 08:29:47 UTC
Thank you! So glad you got the ending, because I was freaking out that it made more sense in my head than it does on paper/screen so... phew!

Also, Reed. Poor Reed. Sudden and shocking are definitely accurate adjectives! I knew it was coming because I'm a spoiler-a-holic and I'd seen the sneak peek but... wow. Effective.

I think Shonda and Co were actually pretty sneaky with her and Charles. They had them around long enough for people to get a little invested, or to at least know tiny details about them (ie. Reed liked yoga and was April BFF and Charles had a crush on Reed but she called him Charlie and made him feel dumb... ie. they were real people and not just random one episode characters) and then they killed them off. In really shocking and/or heart breaking ways. They got to have the impact of killing off regulars without really having to kill off any regulars... if that even makes any sense! Haha, sorry if I'm rambling. To be honest, the episode has kinda left me inarticulate and wobbly when it comes to expressing my ( ... )


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waltzmatildah May 27 2010, 11:31:06 UTC
Thank you! I really liked Reed, too. And there are a few others who've replied to this that have said the same thing, so I think there was more of us in the closet than you'd think! (Though, I was 'out', this is my fourth or fifth Reed fic I think...).

Check this out... "Stuff and Nonsense"

Missy did cover it, but Neil Finn wrote and released it first in 1979. Neil Finn was the lead singer of Split Enz at the time and, later, Crowded House. Gah. LOVE! I do love Missy's version too though, and it was actually her version that inspired the naming of this journal... so you're half right!


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waltzmatildah May 28 2010, 02:35:46 UTC
Yeah, apparently she has a pretty substantial Everwood following? I haven't seen that show...

Anyway. Reed. Poor Reed. RIP.

Missy's version of Stuff and Nonsense is from an album that heaps of Aussie/NZ female singers got together and made. All the songs are Crowded House/Split Enz covers and the album is called 'She Will Have Her Way'. It's amazing.


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