Fic: My laughter, you won't hear... (Reed, with mentions of Alex)

May 24, 2010 23:04

Title: My laughter, you won't hear...
Character: Reed (mentions of Alex)
Word Count: 550
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season Six finale.
Summary: She's thinking about bad boys and how he's not really one of them when it happens...
Author's Note: Lyrics from “Shackled” by Vertical Horizon.

The faster I disappear... )

character: ga: reed, fic: one shot, television: grey's anatomy, character: ga: alex

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waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 08:29:47 UTC
Thank you! So glad you got the ending, because I was freaking out that it made more sense in my head than it does on paper/screen so... phew!

Also, Reed. Poor Reed. Sudden and shocking are definitely accurate adjectives! I knew it was coming because I'm a spoiler-a-holic and I'd seen the sneak peek but... wow. Effective.

I think Shonda and Co were actually pretty sneaky with her and Charles. They had them around long enough for people to get a little invested, or to at least know tiny details about them (ie. Reed liked yoga and was April BFF and Charles had a crush on Reed but she called him Charlie and made him feel dumb... ie. they were real people and not just random one episode characters) and then they killed them off. In really shocking and/or heart breaking ways. They got to have the impact of killing off regulars without really having to kill off any regulars... if that even makes any sense! Haha, sorry if I'm rambling. To be honest, the episode has kinda left me inarticulate and wobbly when it comes to expressing my opinions (they're all good by the way, my opinions).

As for Reed and not knowing much about her, I know what you mean. I wrote Reed/Alex fic a few times pre-finale and needed to literally make stuff up for her. I decided she had a cat, lived with April, owned tacky cups that said I heart Elvis and liked really sweet, fruity wine...! haha.

I did like her though. A lot. I think it's because I related to her initial awe of Alex.

Anyway, this reply is officially longer than my fic, so I'll wrap it up now... oh, no I won't.

Sympathy for the Parents tonight! HEEEEE! Also, the first appearance of Mr. Gary Clark! Ooooh!


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