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waltzmatildah March 21 2016, 02:43:17 UTC
Hi!!! I have been meaning to message you SO MANY TIMES over the last month or so because I started watching 11.22.63 and wanted to know if you were also watching, and even if James Franco was still a 'thing' for you!! Haha! But then my internet DIED (I'm not even exaggerating!! There's a cable that brings internet to little old Tasmania from the big bad mainland Australia and broke and then was CUT so that it could be fixed. That's not likely to be until the end of MAY! OMG).

Anyway, long story short, I'm no longer watching 11.22.63 because I can't. But I will again!

Okay, back to the topics at hand!

I find the nostalgia spirals are getting fewer and further between but they are no less freaking INTENSE! Izzie Stevens still has a ridiculous hold over me and I can't see that ever changing, if only because I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER ANYMORE. And am doomed for forever wonder.

I am writing (trying to write) Izzie fic at the moment. Partly based on a prompt from leobrat. It's PAINFUL! Two deliberate attempts has yielded about 500 words. I want to write it SO BAD. And I find that 99% of it is in my head. It's the getting it out in a way that doesn't seem like a re-hash of every other Izzie fic I've ever read or written that is the hard (impossible?!) part.

Honestly, though, I think writing CF/VD fic in parallel with you was even better! YES! This was another period of excellence in my fandom experience!!

That period and the end of season six when slybrunette and I were churning out Alex, Alex/Izzie, Alex/Lexie fic after fic after fic every other day would probably be my highlights!!

I also read my own fics when I get reviews etc on AO3! I don't think it's shameful at all! Haha! I figure, if I wrote it, it's probably because it was a storyline or coda that I was really interested in so it kinda makes sense that I would want to read about it, too! And when there's been literally YEARS since you wrote the fic, it can be ALMOST like reading something new, and, let's face it, often something pretty decent because we're not too terrible at this fic writing thing :)


leobrat March 24 2016, 21:40:34 UTC
Don't get me wrong- I would love Izzie fic from you but I don't want it to stress you out!!


waltzmatildah March 25 2016, 05:54:44 UTC
It's not the fic writing that's annoying me/stressing me out... it's ME!! Haha. I WANT TO DO IT SO BAD.


I have a new strategy for divining inspiration... I'll be bringing it to LJ pretty soon (the inspiration, not the fic... yet!).


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