[comment] ficathon | "trying to get up that great big hill of hope..."

Jun 15, 2015 11:24


RULES: totally borrowed from fluffyfrolicker who "shamelessly stole" and "slightly adapted" them from upupa_epops. I've adapted them a little more for here...

1. All Sense8 friendships/ships/characters/pairings are fair game. All possible crossovers, AUs, and fusions are also fair game.
2. Make a separate comment for each prompt.
3. When you fill a prompt, please leave a comment here (link, title, warnings, prompt).
4. If you have any questions or comments, they can go here.
5. Please leave feedback, it is much appreciated :)
6. Have (a clusterfuck of) fun!

If you have some graphics talents, please feel free to make some advertising materials and link them here. Also, promote wherever you see fit! If we leave this to my flist, there's going to be about two and a half of us participating!

fic: athon, television: sense8

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