OMFG. It was everything I wanted and a whole heap of things I'd NEVER EVEN DREAMED OF BUT NOW CAN'T IMAGINE LIVING WITHOUT! I'm sure there will be detractors saying it's too similar to Breaking Bad, or they need to cut the apron strings, or what the fuck ever, BUT I, FOR ONE, AM HERE, 110% FOR THE BrBa ALLUSIONS (of which there were many, and they were glorious!). I am also here for the stylistic similarities. Given the phenomenon that was the original, why would they stray too far from that format? The cinematography, the music, the monologues, the clothing, the flash-forwards.
Maybe I'll turn it into a drinking game?!
[-] Lots of Jimmy/Walt similarities, but I loved that they've established the very significant difference between them right off the bat with Jimmy's "the money is the only point" speech to his brother. They could easily have gone down the for family route again, given the set up, but they didn't and I LOVE IT.
[-] Jimmy's now cracked windscreen!! I must admit, I seal-clapped! I kept waiting for him to drive past an Aztec!
[-] Jimmy losing his shit and taking out the garbage can reminded me of Walt losing his shit and punching the towel dispenser. I assume it was meant to.
[-] Speaking of Fucking Tuco. What a BRILLIANT way to introduce his character?! I mean, we, the audience, already know what Tuco is capable of. This kind of thing was one of my very most favourite things about Breaking Bad, the fact that audience were always one, ten, thirty steps ahead of even the most clued in character on the show. Obviously, that's the same for the end-game here, by circumstance, but to have the smaller details also do this really works to establish tension.
[-] All the quotes, seriously! All of them!
"I'm number one in your speed dial. Next to your weed dealer."
"It's discreet. Like a stripper pole in a mosque."
"It's medium sandalwood, Jesus Christ, guys..."
[-] THE FUCKING SEVERED HEAD. Of course there was a severed head. OF COURSE!!!
[-] And perhaps the best thing of all? Episode two is less than 24 hours away!