[real life] items of disinterest | "sleep is not my friend..."

Jun 11, 2012 19:46

During a not-so-fleeting moment of boredom and neediness this arvo, onlywordsnow stepped up to the plate to provide some entertainment! So firstly, slow claps for her! The only downside was that she refused my first request to choreograph and then perform an interpretative dance re-enactment of her recent Alex/Lucy fic. PARTY POOPER! She also refused to ( Read more... )

flist: why so awesome, meme: youyou, music: rec, onlywordsnow: deserves a tag, character: ga: alex, real life: television

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Comments 30

onlywordsnow June 11 2012, 10:16:35 UTC
hahaha, Your answers are flawless to the 1000th degree, or something like that.


waltzmatildah June 11 2012, 10:20:47 UTC
Woot! The questions were also pretty good :)

Also, don't forget to link me! LINK MEEEE FIIIIIIC!

(see, it's STILL all about me and my incessant need to be entertained!)


onlywordsnow June 11 2012, 10:23:36 UTC
hahaha, But my favorite that I've ever written I am currently writing. Actually, I do have a really good unfinished one.

Here is my one Alex/Izzie fic: http://in-a-heist.livejournal.com/16271.html

My favorite ever unfinished fic that I have written: http://in-a-heist.livejournal.com/19350.html


waltzmatildah June 11 2012, 10:43:56 UTC
MOST EXCELLENT! THANK YOU!!!! I have a two.five hour drive (as a passenger) tomorrow, so I know what I'll be doing :)

What fic are you currently working on?


rorylie June 11 2012, 10:40:16 UTC
Amber! Goddamit. Le sigh.


waltzmatildah June 11 2012, 10:43:00 UTC


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waltzmatildah June 11 2012, 11:09:11 UTC
YESSSS! WHY INDEEEEED?!! She so needs to show up on my screen in season nine!!

Who do you think would make a good Amber? Would you like to see a 'big name' celeb (like that time Demi Lovato guest starred), or a newbie? Any suggestions? Amber would be about 17/18 by now, yes?


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waltzmatildah June 11 2012, 11:32:45 UTC
I know what you mean about not knowing a lot of actors, I don't follow them either really and am definitely clueless on 17/18 year old looking ones!!

I agree on the skinny with dark hair part though! But I'm not sure how much of that is tied up in the way I've written her in fics!!


brightstarmara June 11 2012, 11:11:27 UTC
My god. I still haven't read them. Maybe I'm bodily unable to great that kind of shite.


waltzmatildah June 11 2012, 11:13:33 UTC
Oh, don't get me wrong! I haven't read them either!! Just the quotes included in that tumblr blog I linked you to. But that doesn't stop me mocking the myriad ways in which they fail!


brightstarmara June 11 2012, 12:47:30 UTC
The crap-factor of those books is just too much. I lived through Twilight (barely) and I don't think I can deal with this mess.


swirlsofblue June 11 2012, 11:41:03 UTC
This is just ramblyness, feel free to ignore. The word 'arvo' inspired me to spend ten minutes trying to do an Australian accent, my conclusion is: I cannot do an Australian accent, but my Indian/Srilankan one is quite good.

Legless means very drunk here (England) too, though I don't know if it migrated from Australia/somewhere else. I still haven't seen any of the Alex/Amber scenes, I'm not sure how *cries*.

I don't really know what my favourite thing I ever wrote was, but in a pinch I'd say probably last years TVD big bang fic, which is here; http://swirlsofblue.livejournal.com/6496.html


waltzmatildah June 11 2012, 11:50:24 UTC
Hmm, we stole most of our lingo from the British so there's a fair chance you guys thought of it first! Aussie accents are notoriously difficult though, and I think it's partly due to the overly stereotyped representations of it in entertainment. 99% of us do not sound like Croc Dundee or Steve Irwin! Disappointing, I know!

As for Alex/Amber scenes, you haven't seen them because they don't exist (*sob*), at least, not outside of a handful of very rare fics... She's never actually appeared as a character on the show though!

Ooh, thanks for the BB rec! I was really happy with mine too actually! Musta been something about that challenge!


swirlsofblue June 11 2012, 11:56:55 UTC
Lol :)


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