[real life] items of disinterest | "sleep is not my friend..."

Jun 11, 2012 19:46

During a not-so-fleeting moment of boredom and neediness this arvo, onlywordsnow stepped up to the plate to provide some entertainment! So firstly, slow claps for her! The only downside was that she refused my first request to choreograph and then perform an interpretative dance re-enactment of her recent Alex/Lucy fic. PARTY POOPER! She also refused to perform a harp solo, do a trapeze act, or create a mime. She did however offer to recite passages of that book that pretends to be about BDSM (that I refuse to name on principle) for me to mock mercilessly! WIN!

[Favourite Colour] BLUE
[Favourite food] CHOCOLATE. And Alex Karev's face (yes, I really did say that)
[Do you like ice-cream?] YESSSSSSS.
[Least Favourite Colour] Bright orange. SORRY, ORANGE!
[Favourite movie] In Bruges
[Favourite book] TOO NUMEROUS TO NAME
[Least favourite thing to do] STUDY and GO TO WORK (aka. real life!)
[Stay awake for three days, or sleep for three months?] Stay awake for three days! THEN sleep for three months...
[Least favourite place to visit?] THE DENTIST. ARGH *insert almost panic attack here*
[Favourite weather] HOT! Or at least, hottish!! (ie. the opposite of what it is here right now)
[Favourite Alex ship to write] Alex/Izzie! But also, Alex/Mer, Alex/Addie, Alex/Lucy, Alex/Lexie, Alex/Mark
[Favourite Alex scenario] Anything where he is interacting with Izzzzzzieeee! Good/bad/ugly/sexy/sad/funny/immature/jerk-ish/beautiful, ALLLLL OF ITTTTTT!
[Legless Alex or armless Alex?] Legless. Because I can't imagine him not operating... Also, 'legless' in Australia (and maybe elsewhere) simply means realllllllly drunk, so maybe I choose that?!
[Your two favourite characters are in a boxing match, who wins?] My two favourite characters are Alex and Izzie (SURPRISE!), Izzie wins because there's no way Alex is hitting a girl and Izzie has more than enough 'trailer park' in her to have a good go! It will, nevertheless, end in hot sex. Of couse...
[Alex's most solid relationship] His friendship with Meredith
[If Alex were a mercenary, who would his partner be?] ME! Or Katherine Pierce (TVD)!!
[In an episode of Alex flashbacks, what do you want to see?] AMBER!!! And lots of Alex/Amber interactions
[Perfect Alex storyline?] He reaches out to Izzie and they reconcile and live dysfunctionally ever after...
[Favourite non-Alex related GA pairing to read/write?] Meredith/Izzie
[If you could cast Alex's next love interest, which celeb. would it be?] For purely selfish and pervy reasons...


In other news, have a meme I stole from ozmissage:

LINK ME TO YOUR MOST FAVOURITE THING THAT YOU EVER WROTE! Regardless of fandom, genre or pairing, I want to read it/read it again...!

Obligatory Music Rec

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flist: why so awesome, meme: youyou, music: rec, onlywordsnow: deserves a tag, character: ga: alex, real life: television

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