Proudly brought to you by the incessant nagging of
mammothluv and
mrsfjl66... HERE IT FINALLY IS!
So, the plan is this:
1. People indicate in a reply to this post their interest in participating and I will create a List Of Those People Interested In Participating.
mrsfjl66 will write the start of a fic. The opening scene or two or ten for example. She will send this first section TO ME AND ONLY ME.
3. I then send it to the next person on the aforementioned List Of Those Interested In Participating.
4. They write the next couple of scenes and SEND IT BACK TO ME ONLY.
5. I forward THEIR CONTRIBUTION ONLY on to the next person on the list.
6. They read that one part and write their own response/continuation (without knowing what happened in the original part).
7. They send their reply BACK TO ME ONLY.
8. I forward THEIR CONTRIBUTION ONLY on to the next person on the list.
9. Once everyone has had at least one turn (depending on how many people I get who are interested, you might get more than one turn), I WILL (TRY!!) AND WRITE THE FINALE SCENE AND TIE THE WHOLE THING TOGETHER IN A WAY THAT MAKES (PROBABLY ZERO) SENSE!!! I'LL THEN POST THE ENTIRE FIC AT ONCE (and send all the participants a copy so that they can post it too).
I fail to see how this can't end epically.
The writing rules:
(Because, although it's crack, it still needs to have some semblance of sanity to make it readable) would probably have to be: Anything canon goes. Story-lines, characters, relationships, friendships, personality quirks, etc. And it's set present day, and in Seattle. By the way, 'canon' is in the eye of the beholder. For example, if you want to make Alex's black wifebeater of hotness an actual character in its own right then THIS IS MORE THAN FINE! Likewise, Derek's hair.
Needless to say, CHARACTER BASHING FOR THE SAKE OF IT does not go with FUN CRACK FICCING OF EPIC and so this is obviously out! Unless it's Owen Hunt and then... have at it!
Within two days of receiving the part prior to yours, you need to contact me and let me know you're still interested and that you can complete your part on time.
There will be four days turnaround per part.
Things to keep in mind:
The parts you write will make up the whole. If you post the fic at your own journal, you MUST credit everyone who participates. Also, you must be happy with other people posting the fic in their journals (and crediting you). Some (very small) editing of the parts you complete may be required (ie. the The Vampire Diaries one I'm hosting at the moment? I keep needing to edit tense as, despite reminders!!, everyone keeps writing in different tenses!), so you'll also need to be happy to have this happen if required. Actual content/plot will not be edited.
You also need to agree not to make your part public until the whole thing goes public.
More fun stuff:
I'll keep all the participants updated regularly and provide snippets and teasers of what has gone on in the earlier sections.
What do you think about graphics? We could also maybe create some 'visual aids' to add to the crack? I guess we can talk about that later, but those of you who are graphically minded and would like to participate, please let me know
Advertising:">" /> I made this shitty graphic myself. If you want to make better ones FEEL FREE!!! Drop links to them