[tvd] fic | The Spaces In Between (Stefan + Bonnie)

Feb 21, 2012 20:39

Title: The Spaces In Between
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters: Stefan (+ Bonnie)
Word Count: 100
Prompt: #2, cruel, from the angst table at drabble123
Rating: PG-13

He writes a letter.

Sloped cursive that opens with We tossed a coin... Doesn’t quite manage to make it any further than that.

After all, there can be no words to justify what they did. They way in which they did it. Skewed priorities clouding peripheral vision; for the both of them he thinks.

And if it’s forgiveness he’s seeking then it’s not a privilege he deserves. Not now.

Perhaps not ever.

I’m sorry...

Empty words that he could never truly mean.

He writes a letter.

Lets the lick of a soft flame turn the page to ashes, to dust.

character: tvd: stefan, character: tvd: bonnie, fic: drabble, television: the vampire diaries

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