[tvd] fic | Like A Fool Try Again (Damon/Elena)

Feb 21, 2012 20:35

Title: Like A Fool Try Again
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters: Damon/Elena (past Damon/Katherine)
Word Count: 100
Prompt: # 14, rejection, from the angst table at drabble123
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: Title and cut text from the supurb Shame, Matchbox 20

Elena’s words reverberate through the cavernous space beneath his ribs. And he thinks, briefly, that he has heard them, or staggered variations of them, all before.

An echo of sorts tumbling ruthlessly from mirrored lips as he forgets who she is in that moment.

And for a beat.

Thinks, hopes, Katherine. For hers would be a rejection he could resolutely shake off.

Practice makes perfect, after all...

But the tortured muscles in his neck scream their own splintered protest. Phantom agonies that serve only as a mocking reminder of his perpetual vulnerability.

She is not Katherine.

At least, not yet...

character: tvd: damon, fic: drabble, character: tvd: katherine, fic: challenge, television: the vampire diaries, character: tvd: elena

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