2011 Feb/Mar Chess Positions

Apr 11, 2011 09:19

First, Some Warmup Positions

USATW, r3, Feb 20, 2011

Black just played Be7-b4.
White to Play.

ICC game

White to Play.

South Houston Open, Mar 12, 2011

White to Play.
Here I had just played ..Bf5 to prevent Rh3#, and with the desperate hope he will take the hanging Bishop. He didn't.
An Escape

USATW, r1, Feb 19, 2011
Playing Winston Zeng, all of nine years old, I got a space edge out of the opening, but as the time control approached, I was unable to whip up any kind of attack. Meanwhile he pillaged my queenside, leaving me with a two-pawn deficit and hazy compensation:

White to Play

I played 45. Kh2 so that my queen could vacate the first rank and that even though the Bc1 would be hanging, it would not be with check. Objectively speaking, I'm still busted. Play continued ..Bh4 46. Qh3 Qxc1 leading to this position:

White to Play
(Next diagram has spoiler)
I played 47. Qxh4 (47.Rxh7+ does not lead to a perpetual check: 47..Kxh7 48. Qxh4+ Kg7 49.Bxg6 Rh8! (not 49..Kxg6? which does lead to a perpetual check for W) 50. Bh5 Qc2+ 51. Kh3 Rxh5! 52. Qxh5 Qg6!) ..Qb2+ (47..Nxh4?? 48. Rxh7#) 48. Kh3 leading to this position:

Here Black played Qb2-b7. What did I do? What should he have done?

An Amazing (Imaginary) Escape

White to Play and Draw.
This only came up in analysis, but it is pretty cool nonetheless.


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