I am still coming down from an extremely potent batch of French Toast. But this mystical insight definitely struck while I was straight and sober during the week. For the last year or so I have been marveling at how readable C. J. Jung has been. My recent reads were The Red Book and Aeon. Among other changes I think I have fully incorporated the Jungian model of the human being and the Human Psyche. This fits into a much larger model of personality and soul that I have derived from the Kabballah. The reversal of this week came about while I was looking at humanity from my mountaintop vantage point. I saw all human individuals as tiny holes in this continuum. There personalities were like tiny wicking materials in these tiny holes and their lives were the flames that burned on each of these wicks. What lies on the other side of the continuum layer is the vast ocean of unconsciousness.
The reversal consisted in this. All of my life I have studied system after system which either considered the individual personality or ego, a problem to be over come or something serving no real purpose in a system of "spiritual" advancement. Boy was this misguided. A hole in the continuum where the contents of the unconscious ocean simply gushes forth unmediated is not pretty. Life among these beings is unpleasant because there is no conscious awareness or understanding of the life process pouring through and mediated by this personality substance.
The really useful insight here is that we have the capacity to learn and understand this process of life, the structure of the personality and the nature of the material pouring through that breach or hole in the continuum that is the atman of our individual soul.