Jul 23, 2023 18:56
I am a gay man, now in my 60s. Growing up antigay persecution was built into the system from home, church and school. You could not get away with it. Unlike being black you can suppress all appearances of being gay, you can pass. The efforts and absolute need to pass were as destructive as the overt persecution. Elements of society ie. the religious conservatives campaign to continue the persecution, so a real sense of INSTITUTIONAL Homophobia is keenly known. Though things have improved over the decades I can not escape the sense that all gains could be reversed in a heartbeat. Unfortunately the underlying SICKNESS that drives homophobia seems endemic and perennial. I am keenly aware of many individuals choosing suicide rather than deal with being gay. If not suicide many gay people engage in self destructive behavior, essentially being programmed by their society and culture to self destruct. Both racism and homophobia are tendencies that the ruling elite gin up and amplify at every turn, as an extremely effective divide and rule tactic.