Having managed to make it from Victor's room to his own without anyone witnessing him wearing only trousers and an undershirt his shameful state of dishabille he hoped, Walter had showered and dressed and had moved on to smoking heavily and staring at his laptop as though it were about to bite his hand like that book in Militia of Gloom which is so totally not a ripoff of Army of Darkness, nosirreebob.
He hadn't had his camera with him at the dance, but he'd managed to borrow a camera to take a
picture of Pip, Pippi, and Victor that night. The problem being, it had been a digital camera and now he was stuck staring at the image on his computer instead of being able to put it on the
corkboard where he wanted it.
He'd spent the day prior in
detention with Dr. Eppes, which had been so mind-bogglingly dull that Walter had spent part of the time staring at his laptop and playing with a program that Togusa had told him would mesh well with his enjoyment of photography. His investigations of Photoshop had resulted in some interesting variations on the original photograph and he couldn't wait to find a way to get the images on paper where they belonged.
At the moment, though, he was staring at an email. He didn't understand the mechanics of his emails being given to Hellsing in 1944, nor how Arthur's telegrams were reaching his email address at Fandom, but there he sat, trying to determine how best to ask a vampire how he feels about the idea of non-exclusivity.
[ooc: open for interaction. I'm easily amused. If you want to tease Walter about having seen him "undressed," have at it.]