Dear Yuletide Writer

Nov 16, 2011 12:57

Hello Yuletide Writer! I love you in advance!

You are, of course, free to read or not read this letter. It contains some of my questionably-thought-out musings on fanfic in general and my requested fandoms in particular. I wrote it in the hope that it would help you know me a bit better and feel more confident in writing for me, but it might be just as likely to confirm for you that I am a rambling, self-contradicting crazy person.

So, for your reference…

Things I like (that are in no way required, but will make me happy):
1. Bechdel Test passage: It warms my little feminist heart to read stories containing multiple women whose lives do not revolve around their men. Now, again, this is not required. If I asked for dude-slash, I don't expect you to shoehorn in two female characters and find them something to talk about. Just keep it in mind. And if you do write women, make them awesome.
2. Porn: I love me some porn. This is most definitely not required, because not every story needs or would be improved by explicit sex. But if your story begins veering toward smut territory, fear not. I have no triggers and very few squicks. I dearly love slash and S/M. My only requirement for porn is that, like all things, it must be in character. If I can swap out the names for a different fandom and it still makes sense, that is a problem.
3. Violence. Gore. Beautiful actiony fight scenes with things getting shot and/or stabbed and/or magicked to death. Pretty self-explanatory.
4. Character voice. An interesting plot is nice, but what I love most of all is to feel like I'm really getting a closer look at the characters I love. Good stories make me go, "Yes! He/she was badass!" but great stories make me go, "YES! That's exactly what he/she would do under those circumstances and that's exactly what he/she would say while doing it!"
5. Slash, het, gen, friendship, UST… it's all good.

Clockwork Century: This is such a great world, and I'd love any fic that has some fun with the science and history of it. I'd adore some Briar/Lucy slash. If you prefer Dreadnought, write me something about Captain Sally and make me happy forever. If you'd rather write something else, I promise I will be cool with any genres and pairings as long as it includes one or more of the girls kicking ass.

You know what's cool about this series? Many, many things. But more specifically, the women. So many writers seem to use historical fiction (even historical fiction that only slightly resembles actual history) as an excuse to make it all about the boys, as if the prevailing societal attitudes about women at the time were all true. I love that Cherie Priest doesn't ignore the prejudices of the time, but that she also doesn't let them stop her from making her female characters the baddest asses in the room.
So not that I don't love Jeremiah, Zeke, Horatio, and MacGruder, but in the end I'm reading this series for the moment when a bartender who's missing both her arms bludgeons a zombie to death with her prosthesis. I love the theme of ordinary women getting thrown into extraordinary circumstances and making do with what they've got. Same deal with Captain Sally - she has such a small part in the books, but I really admire the way she made herself indispensable to the war effort and then used that leverage to get the respect she deserved.
Briar is my favorite, because she's so complex and so fascinatingly brave. I love her and Lucy together, either as friends or lovers. I feel like they really appreciated each other, being two of the very few women in Seattle, and I'd love to see their relationship explored more. I'd be especially interested in future fic where their relationship evolves as Briar returns to Seattle and becomes Mayor.
Also, zombies. Everything is better with zombies. I love both character-driven and plot-driven stories, but if you're in doubt you can always just throw in lots of zombie-fighting and I will be thrilled.
One more thing: I haven't read Clementine or Ganymede yet. If you have, please try not to spoil anything.

Beyond Good and Evil: Loyalty is such an important theme in the game, so I will love any fic that showcases some of the strong canon friendships. How about some back-story fic, with IRIS getting established or Jade setting up the lighthouse sanctuary? Gen only, please.

My favorite video game ever? Definitely in the top five. I love the world, the story, and the fleshed-out side characters.
I requested four of my favorite characters, but you can feel free to use them in any combination or not at all. Seriously, go ahead and write about anyone you like. I loved talking to all the NPCs, and they all felt like they had an interesting story of their own. The Mammago brothers, Nouri, the Governor… If you have a favorite, knock yourself out. If not, write about Jade, her sidekicks, and/or IRIS, because I love them too.
My favorite parts of the game were the sneaky/shooty/picture-takey intrigue sections, and the schmoopy friendship/family/fiercely-loyal character interactions (DBUTT!!!). So basically, any kind of IRIS scheming or fluffy friendship-fic will have me jumping for joy.
I asked for back-story because I think it'd be fun to find out how people met and how those relationships grew, but I'm not picky. You can set it whenever. In fact, some future-fic about the kids at the sanctuary would be pretty cool too.

Teahouse: If you want my kinky heart to overflow, write me some Argent/Mercutio BDSM porn with Argent topping. Whips and chains, pegging, and bloodplay are all very welcome. I'd also be really happy with some Axis/Rhys smut with the two of them competing for dominance and switching top and bottom. These are just ideas, so if you'd rather write something else I'm open to any characters or pairings.

I'm not saying that you absolutely have to write porn… but then again, it's Teahouse.
This comic is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. It's silly, shippy, sexy fun even though the yaoi tropes and melodrama can get ridiculous at times. You can embrace the silliness or play it straight; I like it either way.
We don't know much about Argent or Mercutio, but I figure Argent has needs too and Mercutio is only too willing to fulfill them. This pairing is pretty much my excuse to ask for hardcore kink. I am difficult to squick (and I like intense pain-play and domination), but I prefer both parties to be enjoying themselves. And you know Mercutio would enjoy it, the kinky bastard. It would be extra hot if Argent were really stoic and Mercutio very vocal.
I love Axis's dynamic with Rhys. They are the anti-fluff. I like that Axis is obviously attracted to Rhys, but won't ever admit it, and that Rhys pushes Axis's buttons even though he really enjoys his time at the Teahouse. I always find it hilarious when they're teasing and sniping at each other even while they clearly have the hots for each other.
I like almost all the pairings, even the het ones, so don't be afraid to go off-prompt if neither of my ideas appeals to you.

Repo! The Genetic Opera: So many possibilities with these two! I'd be fine with friendship fic, slash, or unrequited love on Mag's side. I'd love to see what they were like before Marni started dating Rotti. Maybe they had a friendly rivalry going on with their singing careers? Bonus points if Marni was only with Rotti to get Mag her surgery.

Mag and Marni fascinate me. We don't know all that much about either of them. I imagine that Mag was quite a different person before she gained her sight and lost her best friend. She seems so put-together and in control in the movie, but with an undercurrent of fear and desperation. I feel like you really get the sense that she's been in this impossible situation for years, with no one to confide in, and she's tried to shut off her own emotions to protect herself. You only see a flash of something when she first sees Shilo.
"Chase the Morning" is one of my favorite scenes, because I think it says a lot about Mag that she has kept a recording of Marni singing for all these years.
I'd like to see the issue of Mag's blindness addressed. Was she born blind, or did she lose her sight? Did she really want the surgery, or did Marni pressure her into it out of misguided concern? How did she feel about her disability becoming part of her professional persona, even after she was cured?
There are a lot of directions one could take this, and I'm really interested to see what you come up with. Rest assured, I don't have a concrete head-canon for these two and I won't be upset if your interpretation doesn't match up with mine. I just really want to see Mag and Marni's backstory fleshed out, perhaps in a way I haven't thought of.


I tried to be detailed in my requests because I know I work better when I have something concrete to work from. If you prefer a blank slate, feel free to disregard most if not all of this letter. I wrote it to help you, not to constrain you. I will honestly be happy no matter what you write me, even if you go off in a completely different direction from any of my prompts. I promise.

If you're nervous about writing for me, remember that this is my first time in a fic exchange of any kind. Actually, this will be the first time that anyone has ever written a fic explicitly for me! Whatever you write, I am guaranteed to squee, froth, die, revive, and write you a glowing review.

Much love,

yuletide, fic exchange

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