Jun 13, 2007 00:22
What shall I do with this journal? As everyone knows, I don't use it.
At the same time, I'm thinking of starting a non-LJ blog, though I have only a little idea of its content or purpose at this point. Mainly, I would like something that fits with what I'm doing these days and yet allows me a board with which to communicate with people, particular those who will be on PEI after I leave.
It's an odd feeling. Even though I don't put much stock into them, I'm pulling up my roots for the first time. My mind has been several weeks ahead of my actual physical location, living as though I'm in Ontario beginning my graduate work. I've been pretty solitary and excluded many people without really thinking about the fact that they might care, and that I do too. They say that postmodern criticism is about recognizing exclusion (in a BIG nutshell). Ironically I've done quite a bit of that myself. Many theorists I love reading would say "yup, you have".
"There will be time, there will be time".