(no subject)

Jul 03, 2006 19:14

I see: Dad sleeping.
I need: a glass of water.
I find: computers to be a bore...
I want: to see R's smile.
I have: an amazing husband! err...I mean, fiancee
I wish: time will fly by quickly.
I love: chai.
I hate: injustice.
I miss: my Japanese friends.
I fear: spiders. white spiders.
I feel: overwhelmed.
I hear: Inside Edition.
I smell: my brother, who works for a tree service.
I crave: Twix.
I search: at Yahoo.com.
I wonder: who does that?!?
I regret: nothing.

When was the last time you ...

Smiled?: when Dad observed that Tim isn't Mom...
Laughed?: the same time I smiled.
Cried?: Yesterday after church.
Bought something?: gummy bears last night.
Danced?: Wednesday.
Were sarcastic?: about 20 minutes ago.
Kissed someone?: this morning.
Talked to an ex?: over a year ago.
Watched your favorite movie?: a few days ago.
Had a nightmare?: November.

A Last time for everything ...

Last book you read: "Immunology of the Soul"
Last movie you saw: Nightmare on Elm Street
Last song you heard: Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini
Last thing you had to drink: milk
Last time you showered: this morning
Last thing you ate: ham, peas, scalloped potatoes, cantaloupe.

Do You ...

Smoke?: nope
Do drugs?: nope
Have sex?: not yet
Sleep with stuffed animals?: shoot...I left Lancelot in Grand Island
Live in the moment?: whenever I can
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Fiancee, thank you
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: nope
Play an instrument?: nope
Remember your first love?: yup
Still love him/her?: as a friend, yeah
Read the newspaper?: in the USA? only the comics. in Japan, every word.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: acquaintances, yes.
Believe in miracles?: hell yeah
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: no doubt about it.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes
Consider love a mistake?: a risk, yes. a mistake, NO
Like the taste of alcohol?: depends on what form it comes in
Have a favorite candy?: currently twix and kitkat
Believe in astrology?: nope
Believe in magic?: not really
Believe in God?: YES
Pray?: oh yes.
Go to church?: yes.
Have any secrets?: not that I know of
Have any pets: not that I know of...
Do well in school?: yup
Go to or plan to go to college?: already went
Have a major?: did
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: sometimes
Wear hats?: once in a while
Have any piercings?: two in each ear
Have any tattoos?: not yet *tongue in cheek*
Hate yourself?: nope
Have an obsession?: nope
Have a secret crush?: I already told you I don't have any secrets
Do they know yet?: what?
Collect anything?: books
Have a best friend?: a few
Wish on stars?: I'd rather look at them
Like your handwriting?: it suites me for now
Have any bad habits?: probably
Care about looks?: a bit
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: I love the way he looks
Believe in witches?: depends on your definition of "witch"
Believe in Satan?: yes.
Believe in ghosts?: no.
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