Fanmix - Good Omens

Feb 12, 2011 01:51

Medium: Books
Fandom: Good Omens
Subject: Crowley/Aziraphale
Title: Falling Down
Notes: So I had a horrible time trying to title this mix.  There were the corny romantic titles and the angsty ones.  But the simplest one seemed the most fitting.  The idea of falling has many connotations - falling in love with someone, falling down on the job, falling from grace, falling into line, falling head over heels - etc.  “Falling Down” could be interpreted as any or all of those.  Because that’s what it would mean for both Crowley and Aziraphale if they were to begin anything romantic.  Somehow, there would be falling involved. 

Falling Down - a Crowley/Aziraphale fanmix
Forbidden Friendship - John Powell
Falling Down - The Birthday Massacre
In This City - Iglu & Hartly
Human Behavior - Bjork
Split Me Wide Open - The Bravery
The Ladder - Andrew Belle
Just Tonight - The Pretty Reckless
Fall Asleep - Steel Train
Like a Prayer - Tori Amos
Domino - Alana Grace
If I Fall - Aqualung
Disgusting - Miranda Cosgrove
Burning Up - Ladytron
2-1 - Imogen Heap
Down - Breathe Carolina
Animal - Ke$ha

Forbidden Friendship - John Powell

Falling Down - The Birthday Massacre
Your hands are always reaching out of favor
Your kind are only good for bad behavior
Your mouth was never one to trust
You're always speaking out
Falling out of line
Falling Down

In This City - Iglu & Hartly
You came into my life, you cannot separate yourself
You came into my life, you cannot separate yourself

Human Behavior - Bjork
To get involved in the exchange
Of human emotions
Is ever so, ever so satisfying

Split Me Wide Open - The Bravery
There's nothing I could ever hide from you
Oh you always knew me
You're the only one who knew me
Is nothing sacred, is nothing sane?
Your gentle eyes like a razorblade
They cut me wide open, you look right through

The Ladder - Andrew Belle
Woe is me
Faithless you and selfish me
I will leave a key for you
Outside my doorway

Just Tonight - The Pretty Reckless
Just tonight I will stay
And we'll throw it all away
When the light hits your eyes
It's telling me I'm right
And if I, I am through
Then it's all because of you

Fall Asleep - Steel Train
I like to think about you
Late at night when no one else is awake
I wonder what it is you do
If you feel, can you break?
Will you wake up?
Do you fall down?

Like a Prayer - Tori Amos
Oh God
I think I'm falling
Out of the sky
I close my eyes
Heaven help me

Domino - Alana Grace
Down I go like a domino
You fall and I fall, baby
It's out of my control
And I am thrown like a domino
You started something
And I can't stop it now

If I Fall - Aqualung
Seems to me
I'm exactly where I dreamt
I would be
And the view from here is
Something to see
But I need a hand to hold onto
If I fall
Will you catch me?

Disgusting - Miranda Cosgrove
It's disgusting
How I love you
I can't take it
I should hate you

Burning Up - Ladytron
I cheated gravity to chase you
And through the burning space between us you're falling
You have a long way, a long way to fall
So many things we're burning for

2-1 - Imogen Heap
I'm dying to know, to make sense of it all
I'm dying to know, tell me is it all my fault?
And I care about you darling
'Course I care about you
More than anyone else

Down - Breathe Carolina
You are my only
You won't be lonely
Even if the sky is
Falling down

Animal - Ke$ha
I am in love with what we are
Not what we should be

good omens, fanmix

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