Jan 26, 2013 17:06
My dog, Foxy - the turd factory - had a freaky experience the other evening that I am had pressed to understand, let alone figure out. We were sitting on the couch watching the news when he abruptly scrambled away from me and cowered at the other end of the sofa. He leaned as far from me as he could, eyes wide, ears pressed flat against his head. I reached for his paw and he jerked it away from me in panic. He stared at me, trembling and it took some talking on my part to get him to calm down. He saw something . . . me, but not me. I don't know what he saw. I wish he could tell me. That left me disturbed and it pulled up memories from long ago. . . . Memories best left alone.
I was eight or nine years old and had an "encounter" in broad daylight that terrified me. I thought it was imagination, but while going through some old photographs, my sister let me know she had seen the same "thing" and spent the rest of the day hiding under her bed. Ghost? NO WAY! This encounter was the sort where I would not be here writing this if I had not acted quickly and shut a door in its face. It's a long story, but I survived the test as did my sister. To this day I do not know why "Slug Woman" tested us, but she did.