May 21, 2008 11:25
we were passing a homeless man on the streets of dupont yesterday who was wearing a dingy santa claus hat. as i was about to fish out some change for him, a young business-type man walking from the other direction said to the homeless man "lose the hat." to which i promptly responded "no, keep the hat!" the business man confusedly said, more to me than to the homeless man, "no, LOSE the hat" at which point i dropped my change in the homeless man's cup and said to him, "no. KEEP the hat. i like it."
as i was walking away, the homeless man yelled after me, "YEAH! it makes me HAPPY!"
sigh. done with school. forever and ever and ever.
celebrated by spending the $89 i got from selling back books on lots of sushi, some booze, fun underwear, and another thing.
i called my house after i finished my last exam at 6:22pm on monday, and they asked me what i was going to do next.
"get sushi."
"no, we meant in the long run--whats next?"
"getting more sushi?"
i really like sushi.
also, my date was going terribly well until i started talking about how much i love my old stupid car and i mentioned it was a 1990 volvo station wagon. to which she said: "oh man, really? thats so cool! I was born in 1990!!!"