finally back posting - again

Aug 22, 2010 14:14

OK, OK, so I've skipped a couple of weeks. I a-pol-o-gize. But it's not like I've stopped training while away from my journal. Last weekend I traveled to lovely Point Reyes for my first official Team in Training event of the season. As you can imagine, there's was much purple and perkiness. Unfortunately, those now in charge of creating the TNT courses decided to turn us back before reaching the awesome ocean view that Pt. Reyes can give you. I was very upset when I found that out, let me tell you. The post-race food almost made up for the shortened course though. We stopped for ridic blueberry-buttermilk scones and followed those up with ridic clam chowder. Delicious. And eating right after training makes the calories disappear, right?

This weekend I skipped the TNT training in Sonoma - combination of too far to drive, hot, boring course, not feeling too great, and plain laziness - and trained on my own back on the flat and fast Joe Rodota trail between Sebastopol and Santa Rosa. Not much to speak of as I've been on that stretch of course soooooooo many times. I did get to put my brand new shoes to work and ohhhhhhhhhh what a difference they make. Like walking on 2 fluffy, white clouds. Well, almost like that. Anyhoo, good training.

I've just updated my fundraising page with names of personal honorees (those who are fighting or who have fought cancer - all people I know personally or friends of friends) and a photo of me post-race from last Nike, all salty and icky but with a smile on my face. Remember, if you'd like me to walk in honor of someone you know or have known, please let me know.

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