Jun 02, 2005 13:09
Terri texted me today with this:Hey I have things to sort out so I can't talk to you for quite some time - at my spiritual fathers request...
I replied telling her that I respect that decision, and for her to be blessed and to know that she's in my prayers.
I for reals think that is a good thing for her to do. It's a good thing for myself to do as well. Like I wrote in my previous entry, we're trying to filter everything everyone is saying through God's voice. So it'll be good to take a "fast" from each other to be able to hear more cleary what He is saying...
I used to always want to get married. To have a family. I still do. But in a way, I'm scared to. There is so much responsiblity involved in marriage. I'll be the spiritual priest of my house, a father, a husband, the leader. I'll take my family wherever I go. I can lead them only as far as I go. I would never ever want to hinder them from going as far as possible by my own follies.
I know when the time is right my Creator will enable me to do all that with excellence, but right now it's a scary thought. No necessarily scary, but it's just something I do not want to jump into unprepared. Wisdom.