[ACTION (In and Around Goldberg Street, Afternoon, OPEN TO ALL)]
[In the 50's, the Postman still delivers on Saturdays! Balin heads out of 847 Goldberg Street to check the mail-and, after opening the mailbox and retrieving what's inside, sees that it's a package in his name.]
Huh. They finally sent me somethin' else?
[In a inglorious fashion, Balin tears open the package and pulls out what's inside-a picture of
Phi, the Golden Ratio. It promptly glows and levitates a rotating copy of itself off of the picture. Balin finds himself surrounded by dozens of similar blue-glowing ideograms-he knows exactly what's about to happen.]
... Oh, bullshit.
[In order for Logos Receptives to actually be capable of utilizing Logos Abilities, they must first learn the language of the Eloh. AFS Receptives visit Logos Shrines
where they download all relevant knowledge pertaining to the Element stored there. It's a wild ride to say the least, considering you're getting your brain rewired by having knowledge on how to manipulate the universe beamed into your head.]
[So what happens if you're a veteran Receptive, you've had a few years to study and learn a large amount of Logos Elements ... and Mayfield takes your Tabula away then gives it back later?]
[You re-learn those elements all at once.]
[What ensues is the ten most painful seconds of Balin's life; once the download processes releases Balin, he crumples to the ground, swearing vigorously and holding on to his head. If you are capable of sensing magical, inhuman/alien, or psionic matters, you'll have no problem picking up on this anywhere in town. If you happen to live on Goldberg Street or on any adjacent streets, you'll get to see it happening; the blue glows of the download process will be hard to miss, to say nothing of the massive flash of light at the end.]
[PHONE (Afternoon, OPEN TO ALL)]
[Balin sounds like he's fighting off a migraine.]
... Someone remind me ... to take a fuckin' painkiller ... before I go openin'a package from'a Postman again ...