DEPLOYMENT 7: Get Off My Damn Lawn!

Oct 28, 2011 22:04

[ACTION - A (In and Around Goldberg Street, Morning, OPEN TO ALL)]

[Well, it could definitely be a lot worse.]

[At first, upon seeing the giant ants, crabs, and praying mantises popping up everwhere, Balin tries to defend Goldberg Street the best he can; he's not the type to take chances, especially with how unpredictably dangerous Mayfield's "civil servants" are.]

[He's just taken down one of the ants that burst out of the ground with a few shotgun rounds, and now he's taking on one of those giant crabs, ducking back as it snaps its pincers. Balin shoulders his shotgun to fire back, but gets another idea-hastily circling the crab, he lunges forward and kicks upwards at its flank, causing it to roll over on its back and flail helpessly.]

... Holy shit, that actually worked!

[He's not going to give that creature time to breathe, though; Balin climbs on top of it, and unloads a few rounds into its exposed underbelly-for massive damage.]

[ACTION - B (Mayfield Construction Site, Morning/Afternoon, OPEN TO ALL)]

[It's clear that today is not a good day to be on the job, when you're a construction worker. Those damn ants keep bursting out of the ground, breaking up foundations and threatening to collapse the framework of the buildings everyone's busy working on. Balin's given up on actually doing his usual routine, in fact; he's busy trying to kill off any of the giant ants that pop out of the ground with his shotgun and sidearm.]

[ACTION - C (Anywhere in Mayfield, Afternoon/Evening, OPEN TO ALL)]

[By now, Balin's figured out that the giant creatures aren't really doing anything lethal, and aren't even real creatures to begin with but robots-but the property damage they're doing is annoying, and the kidnapping attempts he's seen are concerning him. So, he's going to spend his time after work checking around Mayfield looking for trouble. If you're fighting these things, getting kidnapped, or are in danger of being kidnapped anywhere in town, Balin might be nearby and can come to your aid.]

[PHONE (Evening, OPEN TO ALL)]

Hey, anybody a long-timer in Mayfield? How often does'a town pull'ese kinda ... I dunno, these crazy-but-not-lethal stunts?

Oh, yeah-and we got people from all over, right? We got anybody from, like, ancient Japan? ... Did you guys really fight giant crabs an' shit like'is back 'en?

[Give him a break! The world ended in 2007 for him! That infamous E3 presentation is still fresh on his mind!]

*phone, ^aurica nestmile, ^john doe (big boss), @mayfield, ^event: it came from the dairy aisle, *847 goldberg street, bill ritch would be proud, ^virginia maxwell, ^gilgamesh, japanese spider crabs are scary, starship troopers 1950s style, *action, *construction site, ^caesar silverberg, !event, ^quinn x. hatch

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