Change in MFM Spirituality Focus

Mar 19, 2010 22:12

After months of research in several university libraries, book stores, and on line outlets, we've come up empty. Too many of the books on African folklore are out of print or so expensive there' just no way we can possibly afford to do the in depth studies on the topics we are accustomed to offering.

We will therefore be changing culture focuses: Middle Eastern mythology. This will NOT include Egyptian lore which we intend to do another year. Our focus is on the cultures which grew up along the Tigris-Euphrates: the Hittites, Sumerians, Assyrians. Think "The Mummy" and scorpion men as seen in "The Epic of Gilgamesh". Think of the animals and talking creatures found in Sinbad or in "1001 Arabian Nights".

That's right, we're REALLY going back to the beginning.

I am pleased to announce The Cradle of Civilization: Your Furry Journey Begins Here

Further announcements and descriptions as events warrant.

administrative, mfm, spirituality

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