Since that random fever last week, I've been fighting this congestion in my chest that I just can't seem to shake. I keep taking my inhaler so many times I get high and it does NOTHING, and the mucinex sometimes helps but mostly just makes my pee smell funny. And I've eaten so many Ricola that I should have invested in the company before getting sick, because at least I'd make some money back.
In other news, I love the Inception fandom with wild abandon, but I'm getting tired of people reccing crap. Like, for reals. I will find someone's rec page, and they will go THIS THIS THIS at something, and I'll click it, and there straight off the bat someone is referring to Eames as "the forger" when his being "the forger" has nothing to do with the scene at all. I mean, EPITHETS, OH MY GOD. And that fandom made them so freaking handy, what with the POSTERS and junk, so we have THE CHEMIST and THE ARCHITECT and THE POINT MAN without even TRYING. Gah. I don't object to Eames being referred to as the forger when he is ACTUALLY FORGING, but when he and Arthur are, like, walking down the street, or doing naughty things to each other in bed, THAT IS NOT THE TIME, OKAY.
The quite honestly horrible fic recs and the royal wedding were enough to kick me back into the Merlin fandom (with a quick reread of the better bits of Drastically Redefining Protocol). Not that I was ever particularly INTO this fandom. Blah. I wish books were interesting to me right now.
It is such a blah Friday, y'all.
Okay, I have spoiled myself in massive ways for the outcome of Rose's story line, so even though I've only just gotten to Martha's first couple of episodes, I know that at some point Rose gets her own copy of the Doctor forever. EXCEPT, OMG. It's kind of just like that ep in SG-1, where the robot versions of SG-1 were made and the real SG-1 were kept back on the planet, and then everything was figured out and they switched back and real SG-1 got to go home and everyone was happy, BUT ROBOT SG-1 was still stuck on that stupid planet and didn't get to go home and probably missed their families and cheeseburgers and shit. So what I'm saying is, bully for clone doctor and Rose, they get each other, but REAL DOCTOR, who I presume loves Rose as much as clone Doctor, still gets no one but transient companions. :((( It makes me epically sad for the poor guy.
Doctor Who. So hilarious and so tragic all at the same time.