[Santo - Serenity]

Apr 02, 2008 20:49

[ master post]

This is where the magic happens.

Most people will come in through Milliways and exit out the cargo bay to go have some fun. But some might need to take detours. And of course, some people live here.

Some people work here, too -- especially if they're working on repairs.

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Comments 299

mapmakerchur April 3 2008, 22:20:22 UTC
Chur walks through with a large brown sack that holds her burqa (a heavy, totally-concealing blue one), boots, and gloves. The translator's in the sack, too, something she only notices when she says, "«Hnn, not quite what I expected,»" and realizes that it came out in the pidgin, not in a human language.


ofthatantet April 4 2008, 04:38:41 UTC

"This is going to sound like a stupid question." The speaker is sixteen, human, and lost-looking, in jeans and sneakers and a bright yellow tank top. "But--"

"--are you a lion?"


mapmakerchur April 4 2008, 05:35:15 UTC
Chur extrudes the claw on her right thumb, saying, "«One moment,»" and then rummages around in the sack. She retrieves a white box and clips it to the belt of her breeches (she's not wearing a shirt), runs an earpiece up to one of her very felinoid ears, and uses the thumbclaw to press a recessed button on the box.

"It is not a stupid question," the box says, over static that masks the growls and purrs of the language Chur's speaking, "but no, I'm not."


ofthatantet April 4 2008, 23:43:46 UTC
"Whoa. I mean. That's cool." Looking amazed at everything is lame! Even when everything is amazing.


ofthatantet April 4 2008, 04:29:23 UTC
Far be it from Susannah Toren to peddle in influence or take advantage of her connections.

And yet, isn't it nice to know an Opener. (Whatever that is.)

As of yet, Rose has not gotten permission to leave the cargo bay, but she has a deeply-cherished belief that even her mother could not be so heartless and cruel as to bring her to THE FUTURE and then make her stand around in a large metal room all day.

She can't even get any bars in here. No texting. No one is this evil!

Probably she is just double-checking that Rose's outfit is future-appropriate.

Annnnny minute now. She sits on a crate and swings her feet.


stillbecoming April 4 2008, 04:48:25 UTC
Buffy doesn't do a double take. She does about a 1.5 take, and then goes directly for a triple crown.

...Then she stands. Awkwardly.

One of the great injustices of the universe is that there's absolutely no way to say "hey, I know we haven't met, but I had a dream about you, how it's going and do you have superpowers?" without sounding either creepy or insane. Or both. Both is also an option.


ofthatantet April 4 2008, 04:55:38 UTC
She glances over, then back again.

College girl. The one she left there.

(Time's up. Everybody out of the pool.)

She essays a smile and a wave, anyway.


stillbecoming April 4 2008, 05:04:27 UTC
Buffy looks around to make sure the smile and wave aren't directed at somebody deceptively close to her. But unless Rose is politely greeting the stack of boxes behind her, she's been waved at.

She tentatively lifts a hand. It's the kind of wave you do when you don't want to look stupid if it turns out waving was the wrong thing to do.

Also: "Hi." That's just polite. You can say hi to people even if you haven't had weird precog-y dreams about them.


shadowsusannah April 5 2008, 17:01:37 UTC
The cargo bay is filled with inconvenient crates and ladders, and Susannah doesn't really remember her way around Serenity after all this time. The hoverchair gives her more-than-usual mobility, though, and she suspects enough poking around will awake crew curiosity and then she can just ask.


gonna_live April 5 2008, 17:08:34 UTC
The contents of one of those crates could be useful. The question is whether or not Kaylee is awake enough to find what she's looking for. She's got a cup of godawful instant coffee strong enough to corrode metal, and she doesn't look happy.

Until she sees Susannah, anyhow, and then she grins. "Mornin'. Now you know what it looks like when we're grounded and I got work to do."


shadowsusannah April 5 2008, 17:10:15 UTC
"Don't let me get in the way," Susannah says quickly. "I was just nosing around."


gonna_live April 5 2008, 17:15:44 UTC
"...if I tried doin' anything right now I'd probably manage to cut off some kind of body part or other, so you're fine and more than."

Kaylee slurps some coffee. The accompanying face is horrible. "You gonna poke around some out here?"


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river_meimei April 25 2008, 02:46:03 UTC
There's someone perched on a box in the cargo bay: a young woman, tangle-haired, dressed in floating layers of white and pink. Her legs are tucked tidily under her, and she glances at Shepard with some interest.


(The comment has been removed)

river_meimei April 25 2008, 03:02:59 UTC
"In the optical matrix," River agrees amicably.




fighting_mad April 8 2008, 05:10:39 UTC
The tall woman who steps into the cargo bay looks exceedingly pleased to be doing so, a swift grin accompanying her. She wears fitted gray trousers, dusty black boots, a purple tunic, and a vest, with at least one visible weapon (the familiar weight of a heavy blaster at her right hip) -- the uniform of the off-duty pilot. Her red hair has been pulled into a low, loose ponytail; her swagger is set to on.

(It's not often you get to do things like this, being the easily recognizable empress of a planet.)

She's looking around the cargo bay with interest, hand on her hip.


river_meimei April 8 2008, 05:21:06 UTC
"Permission to board," River says happily, sliding the door closed behind her. The susurration of Milliways conversation cuts off abruptly, and the metal door becomes an open doorway between cargo bay and hall, its own metal door safely recessed into the wall.


fighting_mad April 8 2008, 05:23:45 UTC
"Thanks, Your Grace," says Plourr, sarcasm diluted by the way she's grinning fit to bust. "Much appreciated. What kind of ship did you say this was?"

It's debateable whether River specified or not in the first place.


river_meimei April 8 2008, 05:35:28 UTC
"Serenity." This is the important answer.

All the same, she adds, "Firefly. Class code 03-K64 -- midbook transport. Standard accelerator core."


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