Apr 24, 2007 00:05
I am moving in a couple of months and have to destash some of my stuff. Back in the begining of this year a woman I know gave me a bunch of craft related patterns/pamphlets/magazines that she got from an estate of a woman who I believe passed away. These all range from about the early 50's to the present time. The ones that I truly do not think I will use I have boxed up and would like to give to other people. I must require that you pay the fee for the item they are shipped in and the actual shipping charge. Right now I have them seperated into boxes:
3 boxes of knitting - most of these are tops, especially for women, are some men's
patterns though. . . there are 20+ different patterns/pamphlets/magazines
in each box.
2 boxes of cross stitch - these are varying, some childrens stuff, some holiday stuff,
some animal stuff, etc. . . there are 15-20+ different p/p/m in each box.
1 box of quilting - it has a few in there about sewing and any other odds and end items
that I didn't believe belonged into any of the other categories, such as
beading, bows, etc. Most is quilting though. Box can be seperated if you
prefer to only have sewing/quilting items.
2 boxes of baby/children knitting - most of these are baby, but there are a few in
there that have children's patterns. 15-20+ p/p/m in each box.
1 envelope of crocheting - not very many in this one unfortunately, can count for
sure, but I think there is around 10 p/p/m in there are some of those contain
knitting instructions on some of their items, but are included in here because
they contain crocheting too.
All boxes can be made smaller if one would prefer not to pay that much, however I would prefer to ship and get rid of the whole boxes. All items in box are in fair to good condition, with only a couple pieces having a picture taken out of them from the previous owner.
If you are interested, please leave a reply here in my journal, not on the other sites. Please leave your email address, what it is you are interested in and your zip code so I can figure out how much it will cost for shipping. If you are not comfortable leaving your zip code or email in my journal, please email me with it and your lj name, but you MUST leave a message in my journal to be considered in line for any of the boxes. It will be first come, first serve. If the earlier people do not want to pay the price of shipping and the box, then it will be offered to the next person who was interested.