Jun 12, 2010 20:32
Now that school is over for this year (WTF, where did the year go? o__o), I'll be working as a cashier in a supermarket for the summer.
Today, I was writing notes in a receipt and when I looked up to greet the next customer, the first words out of her mouth were: "Wow. You have funny eyes." ('Jänskät' oli kirjaimellinen sana.)
...Okay. XD At first I was a bit thrown off by the comment because it was a total surprise and I don't see anything special in my eyes, but it was fun.
Also, the store is selling grape Fanta! 8DDD I didn't see it the one time I did quick grocery shopping before my shift but one customer bought it so it must be there somewhere! And with that, my life is a little better than it used to be. ♥ Now I don't need to go to Japan to be able to drink it anymore.