Title: Drowning (2/?)
Rating: M for Mature
Pairing: Kurt-centric, Sam/Kurt friendship, possibly pre-slash or more
Summary: With LGBT teen suicide at the front of people's minds, Emma decides to have a talk with Kurt. Will assigns the gleeks to find songs about hope or hopelessness.
Disclaimer: I am not making any profit from this, nor do I claim
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/o\ I try to include technical things, I really doooo. But I hate doing laundry, lmao. I will say that I just hope everyone assumed that he changed out of those clothes and then put them in a plastic bag inside of his bookbag, lol. I will go fix that typo, though; thanks <3
Lol, I am the WORST with passed/past because when you talk, they just sound the saaame. Brb, fixing that one, too. And lol, Kurt's just a nosy bugger, okay. :P Baww Sammy indeed :( And he has to give up his lunch to talk to her, because he can't go during class or he'll fall behind, which is major sucky because lunch break is just... required for staying sane at school, lol. I really hope he interacts with Emma sometime and heeeee, don't read my mind so much! My original plan was for someone to find Sam with a Trevor Project brochure and be all DEER IN HEADLIGHTS and Kurt to be all OH, IT'S MINE~ and that would kind of be what spawned Sam coming out to him but then I ditched that idea. I'm sure Sam/Trevor Project will still worm it's way in sometime, though.
I cannot bring myself to believe/accept that Kurt would wear the same thing to school everyday - so he's fair game when he doesn't wear his uniform :x And yes, Finn can have four this time around :P I will slip in some Hudmel scenes for you somewhere, promise <3
KINN BROTHERNESS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES :3 And of course Finn was awkward and blunt, lmao. This is Finn Hudson, after all.
ILY2 <3
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