Boys Boys Boys (4/4)

Oct 01, 2009 23:56

Title: Boys Boys Boys (4/4)
Author: wakingnitemarex
Chapter Rating: PG-15
Chapter Pairing: Bradam, light mention of Bradassidy
Overall Pairings: Bradam, Bradassidy
Disclaimer: I do not own Brad, Adam, Cassidy, or anyone else mention in this story. Nor do I own Lady Gaga or her lyrics. This story and some of its lines of dialogue are strongly based on her song ‘Boys Boys Boys’.
Word Count: 587
Author’s Notes: Comments are love <3 This story didn’t turn out quite the way I wanted it to, but I still like it. It has a fairly loose ending, though. Hope that’s okay. Kinda anticlimactic, but I hope you enjoy it. Click here for the other chapters.

Brad whimpered, curling into Adam’s chest to hide his eyes from the sunlight as he woke. He wasn’t feeling the greatest and his head was pounding and the brightness of the sun wasn’t helping one bit.

“You’re not gonna get sick on me, are you?”, Adam teased and Brad finally registered the other man’s presence for what it meant. He’d never woken up in bed, still dressed, with someone. Hell, even naked, the only person he’d ever woken up with was Cassidy - no one else ever stuck around after getting off. He liked this though. It felt.. nice.

He shook his head and slowly opened his eyes to look up at Adam. “Mm, I don’t think so.” He yawned, snuggling in against him, “Morning, beautiful.”

Adam chuckled and kissed the top of the younger man’s head. “Good afternoon, babe.”

Brad glanced over at the clock, blushing faintly when he read the time. “It’s 2:30?” Adam nodded and he sighed, “Sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Adam smiled, stroking Brad’s cheek, “You just looked so peaceful, I didn’t wanna wake you.”

“Thanks.” He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes which resulted in his eye makeup smudging onto his hands. “I’m gonna go take a shower, ok? You can stick around if you want.” He stood up and took his shirt off, tossing it into the hamper as he passed it. “There’s another bathroom by the guest room if you wanna clean up, and food in the fridge if you’re hungry. Help yourself.”


Brad sighed contently as he stepped under into the shower, letting the hot water run over him. He washed up quickly, trying to keep his mind on the task at hand even though it kept trying to wander off onto thoughts of what Cassidy had said to him the night before and why he hadn’t asked Adam to join him in the shower. He hated to admit it, but Cassidy might’ve been right - maybe he was falling for Adam, maybe that’s why he was being so guarded and careful around him. Two weeks wasn’t that much, but he’d never courted someone for that long before without having sex with them. He’d never thought he’d be the kind of guy to fall in love; he’d always refused to believe that he was capable of it, but Adam made him want to try.

He eventually finished in the shower and got dressed before he went looking for Adam, finding him in the kitchen, making a pot of coffee. Brad smiled, wandering over to him. “Mm, coffee,” he rested his forehead against Adam’s shoulder, “I’m dating a genius.” His words didn’t register with himself until Adam paused, turning to look at him.


He blushed deeply, immediately looking away. “Oh, uhm. S-sorry,” he stammered, unsure of what to say, “I didn’t mean.. um.”

Adam smiled, pulling the smaller man into his arms and kissing him gently. “I should’ve warned you,” he started, and Brad looked up confused, “To watch your heart, I mean. Boys like you love boys like me. I just thought it would take longer.”

Brad blushed and looked down, “I don’t fall in love.” He closed his eyes, resting his head against Adam’s chest, “I hook up, I play games. Boys, boys, boys - that’s me. I like it hot and meaningless.” He opened his eyes again and looked up at the older man, his eyes full of confusion.

Adam kissed him sweetly before leaning in, whispering hotly against his ear, “Let me be the one who changes that.”


I told you it was loose-ended. Please don’t hurt me. Ilu<3 Thank you for reading. :D

pairing: bradam, tv show: american idol season 8, fanfic, singer: cassidy haley, pairing: brassidy, singer: adam lambert, chaptered songfic: boys boys boys, singer: brad 'cheeks' bell, songfic: boys boys boys

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