Season 8 Song Ficlets

Jul 07, 2009 21:12

Song: Extraordinary Girl - Green Day
Pairing: Alexis Grace/Anoop Desai
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not real at all and not for profit! Don't own the lyrics or the characters.

Extraordinary Girl (Green Day) Anexis - PG

she gets so sick of crying

He kisses her softly, pulling her closer, and she sighs softly into the kiss, closing her eyes against her tears. It's a long moment before Anoop finally pulls back, gently pushing a lock of hair behind her ear before kissing away her tear stains.

"Everything's gonna work out, Lexi, I promise." He lays back, pulling her down against him, and gently plays with her hair. "You're gonna make it, with or without this damn, show. You're not gonna let your daughter down." He kisses her softly, "Besides, you've got me now, alright? That girl's gonna have so much joy in her life she's not gonna know what to do with it."

Alexis smiles softly, snuggling against him, and presses a soft kiss to his chest. "I hope so."


Song: Crushed - Rosette
Pairing: Nathaniel Marshall/Michael Castro
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not real at all and not for profit! Don't own the lyrics or the characters.

Crushed (Rosette) Nate/MCas - G

was gonna make my play but just like yesterday my mind erased and I let the moment slip away

"Michael, wait!"

Michael turns around at the sound of Nate's voice, curiousity and confusion clear in his eyes. "Yeah?"

Nate walks over to stand in front of him. You can do this, he tells himself. "I.. um." he sighs softly, maybe he can't do this. He's scared to death of screwing up their friendship.

"Nate?" He blinks at him, "What's up?"

Nate looks down, rubbing his arm nervously, "Do you think, um, we can maybe see each other some time after all this is over?"

"No, dude, I'm just gonna cut off contact with you forever." He smirks a little, "Of course we can."

Nate smiles, "Awesome." Maybe it wasn't what he wanted to say, not what he wanted to ask, but it was something, right? Maybe in the time between now and then he'd be able to work up the courage to say what's really on his mind. He hugs Michael, just content to be with him. "You better audition again next year."

Michael laughs, returning the hug. "Maybe." He pulls back after a moment, he'd like to stay a bit longer but he has a flight to catch. "See ya, 'round, okay?"

Nate nods, "Yeah, see ya, Mike."


Song: Reason - MEST
Pairing: Mishavonna Henson/Allison Iraheta; Mishavonna/Alex Wagner-Trugman
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not real at all and not for profit! Don't own the lyrics or the characters.

Reason (MEST) Mishallison/Mishalex - PG

You say you love me but you cannot leave him, so now I'm leaving you for this insane reason..

Allie curls against the other girl on the bed, sighing softly. "Misha?"

The older girl looks down at her, smiling softly as she presses a soft kiss to her forehead. "Hm?"

"I can't do this anymore." She sees the hurt flash across the other girls face and she feels bad about it but she means it, she really can't keep hurting herself like this.

"Why not?" She gently runs her fingers over the redhead's cheek. "I thought you loved me, Allie?"

"I do, God, I do." She sighs, pulling away a little, "That's why I can't do this. I love you so much that it hurts and you say you love me, too, but you also keep saying you can't leave Alex and I just.. can't do this anymore. I can't keep sneaking around, and I can't keep sharing you. I need all or nothing."

Mishavonna gives her a sad smile. "I'm sorry you feel that way.." She takes Allison's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I do love you, Allison. Please don't ever doubt that. But I love Alex, too, and he's just better for me.. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I get it." She stands, fixing her shirt and Mishavonna sighs, taking the younger girl's hand again and bringing it to her lips, kissing it softly. "We can still be friends, right?"

Allison shrugs and withdraws her hand before walking to the door. "Eventually," is the only response she gives before walking out.


Song: I Touch Myself - The Divinyls
Pairing: Kris Allen/Matty Giraud
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not real at all and not for profit! Don't own the lyrics or the characters.

I Touch Myself (The Divinyls) Kratt - R

When I think about you, I touch myself

Matt knows that Kris would hate him if he ever found out but he can't stop. It's not like he wants to have such a desperately one-sided crush on the other man. There's just something about him, something that's just too damn endearing for Kris' own good. And once his endearingness gets to you, well, it only gets worse from there. Being couped up on the same bus with him for so long hasn't been helping matters any, either. Seeing him walk around wearing nothing but his boxers, occasionally catching him changing, yeah, those situations definitely do nothing to help Matt out.

He sighs, letting his head fall back against the wall of the bathroom as his hand strokes lightly over his hard-on. He can't help but mentally damn Kris to Hell for always getting to him like this, but he knows it isn't really Kris' fault. He bites down on his bottom lip, stiffling a moan as he lets his mind pretend it's Kris' hand moving over his cock.

The worst part, the part that frustrates him the most, is that if Katy weren't in the picture, he'd've come onto Kris months ago. He won't be the one responsable for Kris cheating on Katy, though, no matter how much he'd love to be with Kris. Katy's hot, though, he'd be down for a threesome if the chance ever arose.. He shakes his head, closing his eyes. Not gonna imagine that he tells himself, increasing his hand's speed a bit, just wanting to get off so he can go back out to the others and act like nothing's wrong.

Part of him wishes Kris would walk in on him, but he knows it won't happen, besides, he knows he locked the door. It's not like it would help matters, anyway. Kris would probably just blush and stumble over an apology before walking out. Matt would be wishing for a different result, though. He'd love if Kris were to walk in and get turned on by the sight, he'd be in Heaven if Kris' response to the situation would be to offer Matt some help taking care of his problem. He moans again, his mind drifting off to a world where Kris walks in on him like this and takes complete control. Matt would like that, no, he'd love that - he'd give anything to be completely at Kris' mercy.

Matt curses softly as he comes in his hand, his mind still playing out a million situations that will never happen between himself and Kris. He goes to wash his hands before doing his pants back up and taking a breath as he unlocks the door. Time to act like his brain isn't constantly imagining Kris' naked body above his. Time to act like Kris doesn't make him need to touch himself on a daily basis.


tv show: american idol season 8, singer: kris allen, song fic: extraordinary girl, pairing: nate/mcas, pairing: kratt, singer: allison iraheta, singer: alexis grace, singer: matt giraud, singer: nathaniel marshall, song fic: i touch myself, fanfic, pairing: mishallison, singer: alex wagner-trugman, pairing: anexis, song fic: crushed, songficlets, singer: michael castro, song fic: reason, drabbles, singer: anoop desai, singer: mishavonna henson, pairing: mishalex

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