Someday (12/?)

Apr 07, 2009 18:15

Title: Someday
Chapter Title: Second Chance (12/?)
Author: wakingnitemarex
Pairing: Cookstro
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 1041
Summary: Someday I'm gonna be your lover, and someday, you're gonna be all mine..
Disclaimer: Not reeeeeal.
Author's Notes: I am so so so so sorry that I fail at updating. On the 26th, I'll have been writing this for A YEAR! 12 Chapters in a YEAR. That is FAIL. I realize it equals out to one chapter a month but we ALL know that that is NOT how it's been spaced out. I am so so so so sorry for the delays between chapters recently. I'm so grateful to everyone who's still following this story. As neglected as it is, Someday is my baby. It's a part of me, and I'm so happy that you're all letting me share it with you. Thank you all so much for continuing to care about this story - it's what drives me to finally pick up a pen and try to work out where it's going. I love you all. Feedback, as always, is loved. cut-lyrics (c) Faber Drive

Michael had expected to need to corner David, work to get answers out of him, so he's surprised when it's David who comes to him.

The younger man flops down on the couch and stares moodily at the ceiling. For a brief moment Michael contemplates bringing up the subject, but it turns out that he won't need to.

"Mike, I fucked up," David mumbles, turning his face slightly to look at the Australian who was sitting cross-legged on the floor with his guitar in his lap.

Michael cocks his head to the side slightly and stops playing. "How so?"

"I just.. fuck, I can't control myself sometimes when I'm drunk." He sits up, resting his chin on his knees.

When David doesn't continue, Michael sighs softly. "What did you do?"

"I.. last night, at the club, I got a little too ..forceful with Jason," he admits softly, his gaze dropping to the floor as he continues, "And, like.. I didn't even register it was happening."

Michael can't quite decide if this is what he was expecting to hear or not. He sort of figured that maybe they'd just had an argument, yet, he's not at all shocked by the younger man's confession.

"How far did it go, David?" Michael can hear the concern in his own voice and hopes that it doesn't make David feel worse.

"Well I didn't rape him, if that's what you wanna know," he snaps before taking a calming breath, "I'm pretty sure that's the direction it was headed in, though," he adds softly, his eyes clouding with shame.

Michael sets his guitar aside and goes to sit next to David on the couch. "I really don't know what to tell you, Dave."

The younger man sighs and rests his head on the Aussie's shoulder.

"You know if it had gone that far, I'd be beating your face in right now, right?"

David nods. "Yeah, I know. I wouldn't be fighting back, either."

"It didn't though, and that's what really matters." He sighs, and wraps his arm around David's shoulders, "I'll be keeping a closer eye on you two now, though."

"Thanks." He shuts his eyes, and softly pleads, "Don't let me hurt him, Mike."

"I won't," he replied. And he meant it.


Jason's gaze turns towards the clock when he wakes up. It's only 10AM, so he's surprised that David's not still asleep next to him, especially after all the drinking they'd done the night before. He contemplates going back to sleep, but he knows that, now that he's awake, he won't be able to. So instead he gets up, and goes to the bathroom to take a shower and wake himself up more completely.

He tries his best not to think too much on the events of the previous night as the water beats down on him, but it's hard to block them from his mind. Especially the one he's trying the hardest not to think about. He knows that if he thinks too much about it he'll be forced to admit to himself that he had actually been a little bit afraid of David, even just for a few moments, and that's something that he just doesn't want to admit. He really likes David. A lot. He doesn't want that to change, he doesn't want to feel any fear or resentment towards him.

He sighs to himself as he washes the shampoo from his hair and closes his eyes, trying his best to recall more pleasant thoughts of David. Like when David first kissed him, or when David had officially asked him to be his boyfriend. Yeah, those kinds of thoughts were the ones that made him feel like a giddy teenaged girl with a crush. He liked that feeling.

Once he's done in the shower, Jason dresses and returns to the bedroom, surprised to see David sitting on his bed, waiting for him.

David smiles a little when the younger man walks in. "Hey, Eyelashes." He stands and walks over to Jason, kissing him gently and then takes his hand, leading him over to the bed. They sit down, and he pulls Jason into his arms, resting his chin lightly against Jason's shoulder.

"I.. I know I already said this - well, I think I did, at least - but I just.. think it would mean more to say it now that I'm sober."

Jason relaxes against him with a small sigh of content. His smile saddens a little when David starts to speak. "David, I know. You don't have to say it.."

"Yeah, I do." He rubs his thumb lightly against the back of Jason's hand as he speaks, "I'm sorry, Jason. My behaviour last night was despicable and I should be - and am - ashamed. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me because I would love to have a second chance." He pauses for a moment, then continues, "I want to prove that I can do this right. So.. please? Give me another chance? I'll be the best boyfriend that I can be."

The younger man is silent for a minute before carefully turning around to face David. He traces his fingertips lightly over the rocker's cheek before kissing him shyly. He pulls back just a bit and meet's David's gaze, smiling a little. "Of course, David." He grins a little. "You won't get rid of me that easily."

David smiles when Jason kisses him - even though he'd known that Jason would say yes, he's relieved. He places his hand lightly on the back of Jason's neck and kisses him deeply, feeling the other man all but melt against him. He pulls back after a moment, meeting Jason's gaze again. "Thank you," he whispers, smiling a little. He wasn't going to mess up this time. At least, he's going to try his best not to.

chaptered: someday, singer: david cook, fanfic, singer: michael johns, pairing: cookstro, singer: jason castro, tv show: american idol season 7

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