Someday (11/?)

Jan 23, 2009 22:39

Title: Someday
Chapter Title: Guilty Conscience (11/?)
Author: wakingnitemarex / hatemetoday_xx
Pairing: Cookstro
Rating: PG15
Word Count: 632
Summary: Someday I'm gonna be your lover, and someday, you're gonna be all mine..
Disclaimer: Fiction, bbs.
Author's Notes: Guys.. I am.. honestly so so sorry for how slow I’ve been at updating this. I don’t even know if any of you are still following this - and I completely understand if you aren’t. I know this chapter is short, and probably terrible, but it’s an update, right? I am so so sorry, and I really appreciate those of you who haven’t given up on this story - or my writing in general, for that matter - it means a lot to me. I’m so sorry about how short this is, especially considering how long it’s been. :( I hope you’ll be able to forgive me. Cut lyrics snagged from ‘Move’ by Jim Verraros. ps; I could NOT think of a chapter title, so excuse the lame/randomness of it.
Past Chapters

Michael can tell that something happened just by the solemn look on David’s face when he and Jason return to the bar. David orders another rum & coke from the bar tender as he sits down and casts his gaze down when Jason sits in the seat next to him, and Michael nearly has to bite his tongue to stop himself from asking or assuming anything out loud.

Aside from the solemn look, if he really catches David’s gaze, he can see the disappointment in his eyes - and somehow, he can tell that it’s himself that he’s disappointed in, not Jason. He also notes that something in both Jason’s eyes and in his body language is ..reassuring, almost - like he’s trying to tell David that it’s okay.

He notices as it starts to fade throughout the night - probably due to the fact that they’re all getting far past tipsy and finding everything just a bit too funny - but he can’t help but keep wondering what happened. He knows it’s not really his business, but he decides that he’ll ask David what happened in the morning once they’re both sober.

When David and Jason both decide to call it a night, Michael hangs back at the bar a bit longer to spend some time with Stacey after she’d finally arrived. All of the others, except Kristy and Carly, had already gone home by that point.


Jason stumbles slightly, and David reaches out - grabbing him by the arm. He chuckles. “You really can’t hold your alcohol, can you, Eyelashes?”

Jason blushes and shoves his boyfriend playfully. “Hey, we can’t all be like you, Mr. Bartender,” he slurs, starting to dig through his pockets for the keys to the apartment.

David just smirks and pulls out his own keys, reaching around Jason to unlock and open the door. He nudges Jason inside, and walks in behind him, flicking on the lights and shutting the door. He steps behind Jason, slipping his arms around the boy’s waist, and kisses him lightly on the neck. “I’m sorry about earlier, Jay..”

Jason sighs softly and closes his eyes, leaning back against David. “I know.” He moves his hand down to cover one of David’s. “I forgive you.”

That’s the worst part, David can’t help but think. He lets go of Jason after another moment and takes off his jacket and shoes. He smiles when he notices Jason just watching him and walks back over to him. He slowly removes Jason’s jean jacket and goes to hang it up. Finally getting the point, Jason kicks off his own shoes and reaches out to take David’s hand.

David smiles when he feels Jason’s hand close around his own and lets the younger man lead him down the hall and to their bedroom. Neither of them bothers to turn on the lights as they strip down to their boxers and crawl into David’s bed.

Jason sighs contentedly and lets his face rest on David’s chest. He lets his eyes close as he feels David’s fingertips running gently down his shoulder and arm. “Night, David,” he says with a small yawn.

The older man smiles and presses a soft kiss to the top of Jason’s head. “Night, Jason. Happy birthday.” He stays awake as Jason drifts off into a peaceful sleep - partly because he likes to watch the younger man, but also partly because he can’t seem to fall asleep when he’s still got such a guilty feeling churning in his gut. He can’t help but be angry and upset with himself for what had happened earlier in the washroom, and Jason’s quick forgiveness just makes him feel worse.

Eventually, of course, Jason’s slow and steady breathing does lull him into sleep - albeit an uneasy sleep - but sleep none the less.

singer: kristy lee cook, singer: carly smithson, singer: michael johns, singer: david cook, chaptered: someday, pairing: cookstro, tv show: american idol season 7, singer: jason castro

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