Fanfic: Part Time

Sep 04, 2012 00:44

Title: Part Time
Fandom: SHINee
Rating: G
Characters/pairings: Minho, Taemin. Slight!2min
Warnings: Possible triggers?
Wordcount: 910

A/N: In the same verse as my "Psychotic". First SHINee drabble - yay! Character relationship to be interpreted as you like. Written in like half-an hour, so okay, fine.


Taemin likes to nap. Minho likes to watch.

And it is not in the kind of pedophile, creepy way - far from it, Minho would never do that. He would never do that to Taemin.

Taemin is one of his few - perhaps his only friend. Minho likes to look after the younger boy. He likes protecting him, in a way. Although, truth to be spoken, it is not like Taemin needs a protector. Not anymore, at least, but Minho has taken the job anyway. Taemin does not protest. He likes Minho too.

It is odd how, during most of the day, Taemin is a bright and happy, if only slightly cheeky boy who could light up a room by only walking into it. And yet sometimes, it happens; it is cruelty in Minho’s eyes, although they see it differently, they do not see it as cruel. But they are in control, and there is little Minho can do about it when a smiling, hushed monster comes to guide Taemin to the windows, the door, the porch. Taemin does not like it; Taemin is scared. It is only then that the smiling teenager turns into a sobbing little boy.

He begs them, please, he says, please don’t take me outside, please, please, stop! He is in hysterics, he pleads, falls to the ground, and it pains Minho. But they never listen. They pretend to listen, sometimes, at least, but Minho can see what they do, he sees how they force his little Taeminnie to do what he fears the most; face the outside world.

It is cruel, really - they keep telling him that they want to help, that this is for Taemin’s best. It is not.

Taemin is usually a bright and happy boy, maybe a bit cheeky. But when the monsters take him back, back to Minho and safety, he does not smile. He is not happy, and certainly not cheeky. He is quiet and scared and runs into Minho’s arms and stays there. Minho holds him tight and pets his hair, whispering quiet words of comfort to the poor boy.

Then Taemin wants to take a nap - sleep. And Minho says yes, because he knows Taemin is much better after he has taken his naps. He guides the smaller boy to his room, settles him down on his bed, and as Taemin curls in on himself as close to the wall as possible, Minho collapses into a chair. He peers through the darkness - it is always dark in Taemin’s room, he does not use the lamp much and always cover the window with blinds and curtains - and looks at the boy.

Minho does not really need to protect him, not anymore. He wishes he could protect Taemin from the cruelty, the monsters. But he cannot. It is impossible for him, and besides, the damage has already been done. Taemin needed a protector earlier. He did not have one. Now he is scared.

But Taemin is bright and happy, and a little bit cheeky. He can take care of himself, most of the time. He stands up to the bigger boys and whisks away approaching, weird girls. And Minho does not need to protect him. During those times, they are best friends. They laugh and joke and play. But then they come and it is always a bad sign. Minho cannot protect him against them. Although he wishes he could.

When Taemin naps and Minho watches, there is an odd tranquility in the room. Then, Minho is in control, and he can pretend that if the monsters come right now, he can stand up to them, and keep them away from Taemin.

He actually likes to believe that.

But most of all, when he watches Taemin sleep like this, he knows that the boy is safe, despite how scared he is - was - will be. No matter what Taemin feels like, he is safe. Minho makes sure of that.

It still does not make him forgive the cruel monsters.

They are cruel - cruel for making Taemin face the outside. But not only that - they are cruel for making Taemin see it, Taemin, who fears it more than anything - while Minho, who yearns for it so much, is constantly refused its greatness. Rarely ever can he go outside - he wants to so bad, and yet, no, they keep him away from it. Locked inside, trapped, like an animal. Like a monster - but Minho does not understand, for he is not a monster, they are.

Taemin wants to escape the world outside. Minho wants to experience it.

But they refuse them both.

There is only one good thing that comes out of it; when they are forced like this, Minho and Taemin can be together.

But that is it.

Minho idly brushes two fingers through Taemin’s auburn locks, appearing black in the darkness. Taemin is good, the only good from this. Minho must admit it, he does not know what he would do without Taemin - now they have become too dependent on each other. It is yet another sad chapter to their lives together; none of them can become happy without having to abandon the other, which, in turn, would make them even sadder.

Minho chuckles darkly to himself, curses them a bit, as he has developed a habit of doing in idle moments, and leans back in his chair to look properly at Taemin. The younger appears content in his sleep; Taemin likes to nap.

And Minho likes to watch.

kpop, fanfiction, shinee

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