!! [Video/Action] for those in/near Ilex Forest

Jan 25, 2011 16:45

[There is a Slakoth- some kind of sloth-like creature that's flopped out onto the ground and dragging itself along in super-slow motion. Osaka is, for some reason, following her Pokemon through the forest. Given their pace, this means that they're going at about 1 inch/minute, and Osaka's taking something like 1 step per 5 minutes.]

[Osaka looks a little disheveled, but she doesn't seem too worried- a bit tired, maybe, but that's about it. She studies the trees around them for a few minutes before speaking up.]

Hey, hey, does anyone know where I can find one of those fire-type Pokemon?


You know. One that's got a lot of fire?

[... though she DOES appear to be in a slightly odd state of mind.]

location: ilex forest, !ic

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