Guilty Pleasures of Times Long Past

May 13, 2006 19:36

I, for one, do not have any regrets about things I enjoyed long ago. I don't regret Power Rangers, Pokemon, or Sega Genesis. It's even pretty amusing to look back and say, "Wow, this was utter crap but I loved it!"

For example: ANIMORPHS

I've probably talked about this before, but this was a very amusing series for me. I think I made it through almost thirty of the fifty-something books before I stopped bothering.

Here's a brief run through of the story: five teenagers are walking home one night when a spaceship crash lands in their neighborhood; an alien pops out and tells them that brain slugs from space are infesting the people of Planet Earth and these brain slugs must be stopped; the alien knows he's about to die so he gives the five teenagers the power to change into any animal they touch.

Five teenagers (and later an alien buddy) turning into animals to battle a brain slug invasion.

Hahahaha, what fun!

Cassie: Oh, come on, Marco. It's an opportunity to try out a new morph!
Jake: Yeah. Instead of being home doing math homework, you get to turn into a wolf. Are you going to tell me you'd rather be doing equations?
Marco: Let's see. Math? Or becoming a wolf and going off to find aliens? Maybe I should ask the school counselor what she thinks. It's such a common problem. I'm sure she'd have some good advice.

Besides, Animorphs totally kicks Goosebumps' ass.
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