Birds & A Feather Duster

Jul 20, 2021 18:10

Some big birds...

A Cassowary - native to the rainforests of Australia's top end. You do NOT want to encounter one of these guys in the wild... they're aggressively territorial & the kind of bird that reminds you they're not too far descended from dinosaurs

An Emu - found all over the place once you get out of the cities & towns. Not as bad-tempered as the Cassowary, but still best to steer clear of them!

Tuesday & another domestic day, clearing, cleaning & reorganising the garage to try & fit both Dorian the workhorse & Laura the roadtripper in there, along with all the various other bits'n'pieces. Then defrosting the freezer, cutting my hand in 2 places, sweeping out the kitchen & entry hall. Then the usual trip to the supermarket to do battle with the panicking, starving hordes & back home to plan what I can do around here tomorrow...

Excitement, adventure & really wild things, I know...

lockdown, waitingman about the house, photo opportunities

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