Today my brother posted this on my FB wall: "Cobra Starship fans are nuts. I found out today that they created "Gabe Saporta" day on the 11th of very month because the lead singer Gabe Saporta was born on October 11th. *___* "
My reply: "haha! That's because Gabe Saporta is so super freakin' awesome! He's pretty much amazing =D"
My brother: "xD Is he now?"
Now, how could I not respond to a challenge thrown down like that? My ramble-y response:
"YES! He's Jewish (and totally does Jewish chants w/ his bandmates), he was born in Uruguay so he speaks Spanish, he was totally an immigrant kid in New York, he was excited as a kid when his family was moving to Jersey because that's where Bon Jovi was from,
the more he talks the more I like him, etc etc etc - not to mention that he wrote Snakes on a Plane! and his new band's missions is to teach hipsters to not take themselves so seriously and to tell emo kids to stop being pussies - partly by wearing lots of neon. and if the world is ending, he's throwing the party!
Go, read... "
My brother's reply, some time later: "Okay, he's awesome. xD"
My response: "WORD! The crazy fans and I have the right of it! We have been exposed to the greatness!"
- though that rather makes it sound like a communicable disease. Hrmm.....