death won't hold you as tight as he will

Jul 08, 2006 12:02

so since i'm not talking to my dad yet because i'm pissed i just told a little white lie since i'm broke and haven't had my cell in days. i've decided to avoid him for the next two weeks and not talk to him until the canoe trip which sucks because i can't go lay out at his house if i'm not talking to him :/ i really need to work on my tan too. fuck parents, especially ones like him. its to hard for me to walk away without looking back but when he did it he never thought twice about mine nor my sister's feelings. why does life have to be so hard?

on a good note desi came up from ohio for the day yesterday. chanel and i met up with nancy, chris, james, gabe, desi's mom, her dad and her at number six or something in novi. we hung out at the hookah bar for a few hours just talking and catching up on old times. when we left there her parents did their own thing and chanel, desi, nancy, james and i drove back to james' house so they could get some hydro and we hung out there for a few hours. i hope james' brother is ok because he got jumped on the way back from the d or something. i haven't talked to desi so i don't know what happened just hope he's ok. me and chanel decided to drive to dearborn after we left james' to get some wings from bailey's. we walked in and everyone gave us hugs like i wanted to be touched or something. eliss kept looking at me funny and i wanted to be like what the fuck is your problem because i didn't like him but then i quit so yeah. i haven't been there in over a month and everyone was glad to see us. we mingled while we waited for our food, which we didn't check until we got to my house and our order was wrong and i was fucking pissed. chanel left to go home and i went to bed.

why is it that when i have a day off and its summer vacation i can't fucking sleep. i hate being up for almost twenty-four hours and going to bed just to sleep for four or five. seriously, i think i need some sleeping pills so that i can actually get some sleep every night. i hate it :/ but i guess its the story of my life because its been going on like this for way too long.

i miss steve and hearing nancy talk about her boyfriend brandon didn't help. ugh, hopefully only two more months of this shit :/
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