Aug 11, 2009 23:04
This morning I did another chapter in my workbook, which was focused on living in the now. The first part of the exercise entailed listing out the things in my past that I've done, or that others have done, that still bother me. I felt pretty good about the fact that most of the things that still chaff are things that have happened in the last year or less. I'm taking this to mean that I've gotten a lot better than I used to be at one of my life goals: not to regret anything that I've done, but to learn and grow from it. This part of the exercise also made me think about how much energy I spend fretting over those things that I haven't let go yet. None of those things are really worth the effort, especially considering the fact that I can't do anything about them now that they're past.
So this is my new assignment: Reminding myself that holding grudges and regretting my actions isn't worth the time and energy that it consumes.
My last assignment, learning to prioritize my to-do list, is going somewhat better than it has been... we'll see how tomorrow goes though. I have the day off tomorrow, and of course I would like to get things done from my to-do list. I just have to remember that it isn't about the number of things I get to cross off, but the possible stress level of each thing if it isn't completed. More specifically, I need to work on my policy paper tomorrow. I worked on it some at work tonight (I got my introduction written and a bit of an outline going), but I would like to have a nice chunk of my rough draft done tomorrow. I may take some time at a coffee shop to work on it, to get myself out of the apartment and focused. There are some other things on my list that I would like to get done that won't take too much time, so I will try to get some of those smaller things done too, but my big focus is going to be my paper!
Also, I got some news at work today. The VP of Development was doing a Tour of Hope at work tonight, and stopped by afterwards to talk to me. He said that the position that they had offered me and then rescinded was being reposted, but as a part-time (20 hrs/week) position. He said that he had already talked to my Program Coordinator today, and that if I was still interested in the position it was still mine, and I could make up the other 20 hours to be full time with the Youth Home in my current position. Now I really don't know what to do. I explained that I have an application in for the Case Manager and Team Leader positions at the Youth Home, and that my hesitation in taking the position would be that if I was able to get one of those positions it would be a much better career move for me. He agreed, and said that he would try to feel out the application process to see how long it was going to take. If it's only going to take a week or so, he's willing to wait, but if it's going to be longer he needs someone in the position, and he knows that there's someone who would be applying for the position. I'm hoping that he'll get back to me soon, but I'm also thinking that I should talk to my Program Coordinator about it. I won't be able to do this until Friday, which is nerve-wracking because there really is a bit of a time constraint on this other offer. On the other hand, I doubt he would find it unreasonable for me to get back to him by the end of the week, if he doesn't get back to me sooner.
Again, I need to remind myself that there's nothing I can do about this right now. I just need to wait and see if he gets back to me, and if he doesn't then I'll talk to my Program Coordinator on Friday morning when I go in to work. That's all I can do right now, and everything will work itself out in the end.
don't sweat the small stuff,