(no subject)

Jan 30, 2007 18:30

Ms. Cox i stole your survey and lj'd it up.

1. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
+"i don't remember. like never. haha" Wow that was Jessicas response and I'm thinking yeah I bet a lot of people don't really feel that way anymore cause I'm the only one who still gets butterflys just from holding hands :( so i'ma say a couple weeks or so ago.

2. What did you dream last night?
+Not realy suuuure.

3. Who can you trust the most?
+ Angela cause she doesn't lie. But I trust mizz corey too cause she's been helping me with a lot of stuff i don't want other people to know about.

4. How are you feeling today?
+good but right now i' crabby cause i woke up too early in my nap i think. (5 haha) but i mean if i didnt wake up I'd NEVER go to sleep tonight. which isn't so bad cause i don't have class tomorrow morning. Woot. man i need to start getting out more i should have made plans.

5. Who was the last person you hugged?
+uhmmm my bro bear

6. What is bothering you?
+my hair! I'm taking another shwoer RIGHT after this survey cause my hairs too curly and it feels weird iuno and i wanna straighten it but i don't think i got all the conditioner out.

7. Do you like anyone?
+ Hmmm. I don't know. I'm thinking no.

8. Do you know anyone who is engaged?
+ Welllll i know of a lot of my ex friends who are.

9. What's your favorite number?
+ tres

10. Who was the last person to make you cry?
+ this bitch from my work but i only got teary eyed really.

11. Did you go to camp as a kid?
+no thank god

12. When was the last time you cried?
+I'd say like Thursday. It was the closest thing to a bad day this january, but really I was just overwhlmed.

13. What is one thing you miss about your past?
+ Okay I was watching baby lauren get pushed in her stroller and i was like damn i still wish i was a baby and people just did EVERYTHING for me. haha

14. What is the smartest saying you have heard about life?
+ That it's wait you want it to be.

15. Are you jealous of anyone?
+ not really.

16. Is anyone jealous of you?
+not that i know of

17. Has a friend ever used you?
+ No cause if someone used me they probably weren't a friend now were they?

18. Who was the last person you drove with?
+ my bro bro.

19. What are you looking forward to?
+ haha honestly my shower.

20. What should you be doing?
+ math work.

21. What are you currently hearing?
+ the faint-glass danse

22. Panic! At The Disco or Fall Out Boy?
+ panic if anything

23. How many things in your past do you regret?
+ not very many. not really any at all i dont think. nothing that i've done.

24. Do you have a best friend?
+ yes but she never has anything interesting to say on aim.

26. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
+ Hmm. my dad.

27. Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't have them?
+ yes. but it doesn't bother me cause i still try to go for it haha

28. If you could change anything about your past, what would you change?
+ i wish i hated lost my cell phone in that cab in chicago! i really wanted to go see the museum of science and industry :(

29. Do you like your life?
+ sure do

30. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?
+ noo we went through this already. i've been stabbed in the back before my old friends.

31. Did you forgive them?
+ I only wont forgive candice because she wont admit anything was wrong. And isn't that how it works...I mean in order to ask for forgiveness you have to feel bad about what you've done?

32. Who is your best girl (friend)?
+ Angela

33. Do you get along with girls or guys better?
+ umm well. It's been an even split lately. I think i like hanging out with guys better but i really like hanging out with angela and jessica and dani. i rarely get to see my guy friends anyhow.

34. How long have you had MySpace?
+i think it was like right after my 16th birthday.

36. Have you ever slapped a girl/boy in the face?
+ hells yeah. both.

37. If so why?
+ long stories?

38. What are some of your biggest fears of your life?
+ umm im afriad of never finishing college the way i wanna finish it. i'm sort of afraid of being alone. like..not now but..more like dying alone because if idon't get married and my older brothers and parents die before me i bet i'll be a very lonely human being.

40. Are you a player?
+ noooo far from it.

41. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out you were right?
+ of course. everyones really good at that.

42. Best guy friend?
+ prolly Johnnie chaunga.

43. Have you ever dated/fooled around with a co-worker?
+ for some reason i had to think about this. I've flirted with co workers or been flirted with but never fooled around and never dated any co worker of mine.

44. Who is the last person that imed you//you imed?
+ angela

45. Are looks important?
+ somewhat but not really important...

46. Do you like it when people your age say they are in love?
+ It's cute sometimes.
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