So I had planned on this post being my first one after my time off from LJ, but I couldn't help myself and had to rant.
This post will be happier. I need to focus on some good things or I'll be grumpy for the rest of the day.
So here's what's new with me.
- NaNoWriMo - I didn't finish (again), but I this time I didn't give up and tried to write all the way to the end. There were a few days here and there where I didn't end up writing anything, but I made a good effort to write at least a little bit every day. My total word count was 8828, which is probably about double what I did last year. The best thing? In a competition with two other friends, I didn't lose this time! :D
- Went to a baby shower. Am waiting for my friend to pop out the kid. Should be any day now.
- Am waiting for a co-worker to also pop out her kid. Based on the amount of time she's been dilated, she probably should have popped two weeks ago!
- Bought pretty Christmas lights and put them up on my balcony. Decided to forgo buying a Christmas tree this year due to lack of funds and a reluctance to go into debt.
- Am going to a friend's Christmas party this weekend and we're going to play Cranium and poker! Yay, Cranium with adults! I'm tired of playing with the kids who don't know half of the songs or history questions.
- Sent out my Christmas cards yesterday (oooh the overseas ones are really, really late).
- Got a lovely new purse that actually fits all the crap I haul around, and yet looks professional.
- After a six month delay, finally finished my performance plan and review, and got a good review from my boss.
- And lastly, Ted Morton didn't win! HOOOOOORRRRAAAAYYYYYY!
There's probably more, but I can't think of it right now. So what's new with you?