Ok, so when did the movie, Serendipity actually come out... *checks online* ... ok, release date 2002.
Ever since fall of 2002, when the movie was released, I had full intentions to not see it. The previews alone scremed to me, "Arianne, please, I beg of you, do NOT watch me, it's everything you've ever hated about chick-flick movies and sell-out actors. Don't... DON'T!" Well, what's today's date ... well now that it's 12 AM, it's now March 21, 2004.
I just got in from a wonderful night of chillage at the invitation of Age and Joyce to see Serendipity. I had to restrain my critical heart or MOUTH from ruining the movie for everyone else ... even though I'm pretty sure I was the only one who hadn't yet seen it. So what did I think of the movie, you ask? (I'm sure you weren't asking because probably no one's reading this or even cares because the movie is so old, and you're probably wondering, if you're even reading this, whether or not I'd seen Dawn of the Dead which, no, I haven't and don't intend to, sorry, and this is a thick tangent...)
Well, I'll tell you what I thought. I was reminded of why I hate chick-flicks so much. And this specific one was THE definition of everything I would never wish to see in a movie. Hah! Sorry to all those who loved every single little thing about it. I read some reviews, and pretty much every person "forgivingly" agrees that it is predictable, but "oh John and Kate were the perfect lead pair! So much chemistry!" Chemistry? I'll show you chemistry, gimmie a lighter and
backthatthingip after a nice Mexican dinner. That's chemistry. Who is this Kate Beckinsale, anyway? I'm sorry to say it, but she stunk at her role! John was okay, but I think the only actor who is worth praising is Jeremy Piven, Cusack's best friend in the movie. Oh, and of course Molly Shannon. Go girl.
And the whole fate, story line thing? Had the script writer not been careful, (and had not written in the super random hissing, dressed up in a devil costume on Christmas Day kid,) every line in this movie would have sucked. And really, I think they pretty much re-wrote the cheesy, typical "fate lines" to cover it up. And even the new lines weren't that great. It's like putting a dirty band-aid on an infected wound. Help them out a bit, either completely heal the wound or shoot the horse and put it out of it's misery! Do you know what I'm sayin?
Anyway. Sorry. I wonder if anyone is reading as far as this line. If you did, thank you for your time, and ok, the movie wasn't that terrible.
Yes it was.