My evening didn't go exactly as jove had planned it (< if confused, see previous entry.)
I ended up taking a much needed nap between 5 and 6, and then was awakened to massive amounts of phone calls. I hadn't even accomplished anything. I ended up calling everyone back, tellin them I couldn't go out until 8:30 or so. After some reading and running an errand, I met Pete at Target to run my last errand, then went to meet Courtney at the Kennon's to finally check out Justin's DMB - The Central Park Concert DVD. THEY ARE AMAZING. What drummer do YOU know of that can play a massive kit like that, sing back up, and chew gum all at the same time?? None, I tell ya, none. Unless Justice practices a lot. We might be able to get him one of those Bobby Brown, head-set mic's. hah, gross!
During Two-Step, Bill, aka
backthatthingip walks into the living room completely bald. Freshly shaven. He's had his beard for about two months now, mind you. We didn't think he could bring himself to doing it, but oh, he did. And I am reminded that Bill is the type of guy who looks nice, hair or no hair. Good for him and his evenly shaped head, eh?! So that was fun. Got to catch up with him a little bit, and we remembered that today is the one year anniversary of our split. Anyway, he made sure I was planning on staying longer so that he could finish his paper because he wanted to watch a movie with me, but about 30 minutes later after their mom came home, he walked into the living room, groggy, telling us he was headed to bed. :( Thanks, Bill. Yes, disappointed was I, but it's ok, I know he's got lots on his plate. Plus, I've learned not to get my hopes up when it comes to stuff like that. *sound of my heart being stomped on the GROUND* I'm kidding!
Ended the night with a bang, talking with Court and her mom about pregnancy, labor and the behavior of our pets.
I'd say eventful in a really odd sort of way