it's all in my mind

Sep 02, 2009 18:42

LJ friends, I need your help! What science fiction show should I watch? A friend has been trying to convince me to watch Stargate: Atlantis forever, but lately I've been reading a lot of new Star Trek fanfiction, so I should probably catch up on the original series. But Firefly is supposedly amazing, and I already watched the first episode plus Serenity and I haven't seen a Joss Whedon series yet... Sanctuary is off-limits because I'm marathoning it with some friends later, and I'd prefer something legally streaming, but any suggestions are great.

Funny how I talk as if I'd have time to watch them. Siiigh. Tutoring started today, and I missed my appointment by twenty minutes so the guy went home. That's so bad. I was afraid my supervisor would be all like, "WHAAATTT YOU WERE LATE? NO SCHOLARSHIP FOR YOU!" But apparently it's mostly okay, I'm guessing 'cause it's the only time in a year. Except I feel really bad for my student. He has a football game tomorrow and probably can't reschedule, so if he fails a test or something because of me I might have to commit seppuku. Even when I do meet up with him, I'm nervous about tutoring Chem 201 in the first place.

Meg and I watched Twilight and The Producers last week. The Producers was definitely one of the funniest movies I've seen. Twilight was even more disappointing than I expected. I was hoping we would have lots of opportunities to make fun of it, but it was basically So Bad It's Horrible. Although the sparkle scene was hilarious, mostly because he made sparkle noises ahahaha.

My interest in LJ has been waning, mostly because I'm so busy. I might have to take a hiatus to catch up on other stuff, but at the moment I'll try to make myself feel better with new icons and maybe an intro post or something.

EDIT: Oops, almost forgot. In answer to this meme:Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don't blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don't blog about, but you'd like to hear about, and I'll write a post about it. Ask for anything: latest movie watched, last book read, political leanings, thoughts on yaoi, favorite type of underwear, graphic techniques, etc.

ocreatus asked about my favorite thing. I'd have to give the generic answer of family, friends, and general loved ones. Other than that, learning. I think the world is amazing, and every little bit of knowledge kind of helps bring it together like a puzzle. For physical objects, I have a ton of sentimental gifts. Other than that... Tagalongs. Those things are amazing. Did you know college Girl Scouts can't sell them? Stupidest thing ever

i fail at life

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