ohayoo gozaimasu~...?

Aug 23, 2009 22:37

I forgot how hard it is to learn another language. I guess I took it for granted - I mean, even if I'm horrible at listening and I frequently forget grammar and vocabulary, I can at least grasp the meaning of most Spanish conversations or understand how a word is pronounced. Japanese is just a big bundle of symbols, at the moment. It's cool that I'll learn it eventually, though, and so far I'm glad I didn't pick another romance language. Aún, extraño a mis clases de Español. Si algunos amigos entienden estas oraciones, y yo me hago menos peligrosa, es posible que voy a escribir en una otra lengua con más frecuencia. Mi computadora tiene un problema con los accentos, y por eso tengo que los copio y pego, pero es obvio que debo practicar más... All my classes are looking pretty good, although I'm a little annoyed I have four that are Arts-based and only one that's Science. But, you know, I'll probably have to live with that one way or another next semester when I choose a major and all...

Sorry for the lack of fandom stuff; I'm hoping I can start watching more things online this week. In my defense, I caught up a little this weekend. I finished FFIII, which was overall better than I'd been expecting just because I'm already planning an Arc/Alus fic. I need to buy another game for the DS; any suggestions? I've already played most other FFs and TWEWY. Preferably something very cheap. >.>

Alsoooo, after reading about it at The Park Bench, I gave "being human" a try. Based on the commercials and the Twilight-esque font, I figured the plague had even spread to the BBC, but it's actually a pretty good show (with a sensible plot and characters with personalities and everything). I'd recommend it to anyone that likes some supernatural drama.

And because this entry needs more complaining, my suitemates. Oh my gosh. I have found yet another two people who like to share their terrible taste in music by blasting it(I'm all for indie, but the reason why most bands don't get signed is because they actually do suck) and who have not yet figured out how to knock on the bathroom door. It wouldn't be that big a deal, except the dorms' bathroom doors lock from the outside. I can lock them out of my room, but the only way to protect myself from their knocking-unability is to keep a hand on the door handle at all times or be really, really loud and hope they're not too drunk to notice. It was tolerable the first few times, but it's quickly becoming more of a pet peeve. By the time I move out in three more years I'll likely be decapitating people.

Off to study. Or at least pretend to and wake up early instead. :P

why am i so unstereotypical, i'm going to be the crazy cat lady, now en español, final fantasy, knowing your major is for losers

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